Installing NetWare Connectivity on LAN Man 2.1 RPL Client

ID: Q80079

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, version 2.1


Using LAN Manager version 2.1, you can install the NetWare Connectivity package on a remote boot (RPL) client. To do so, however, the NetWare Connectivity piece must be installed on an MS-DOS LAN Manager bootable workstation. Selected files will then be moved to the LAN Manager RPL tree on the server, thereby allowing the client access to NetWare services.


To install the NetWare Connectivity package on a remote boot client, do the following:

  1. Install a LAN Manager 2.1 MS-DOS workstation and the NetWare Connectivity piece on a bootable machine. From this installation, the following files are needed for the RPL installation:
          File                    Default Directory
          ----                    -----------------
          PROTOCOL.INI            C:\LANMAN.DOS
          DOSVER.EXE              C:\LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG
          FIXPATH.EXE             C:\LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG
          IPX.COM                 C:\LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG
          NETx.COM                C:\LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG
          NWLOAD.BAT              C:\LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG

  2. On the server, copy all the files, except PROTOCOL.INI, to the C:\LANMAN\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG directory. The PROTOCOL.INI entry for the IPX protocol ONLY will be required. Using a text editor, copy the [IPX_XIF] section from the workstation's PROTOCOL.INI to the PROTOCOL.INI in the C:\LANMAN\RPL\BBLOCK\NETBEUI\<drivertype>\PROTOCOL.INI directory. The entry should look like the following:
             Drivername = IPX$
             LOAD = IPXMARK[U],IPX[U]
             UNLOAD = IPXREL[C]
             BINDINGS = ELNKII_NIF 
    It is important that the IPX stub be labeled as [IPX_XIF], NOT just [IPX]. If it is incorrectly labeled, IPX will not unload via the UNLOAD command. Instead, it will result in the following error message:
    IPX00023: cannot unbind IPX from network adapter card
    Cannot unload NetWare Connectivity
    Error:1 - Executing IPXREL
    If this error occurs, check the PROTOCOL.INI entry.

  3. After the files have been copied, it may be necessary to edit the NWLOAD.BAT file.

Upon successful completion of the above steps, the workstation can be remote booted, and the NetWare Connectivity can be loaded and unloaded at will.

Additional query words: Remote boot ripl novell ipx 2.10

Keywords :
Version : :2.1
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Last Reviewed: November 10, 1999
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