FIX: PARAMETER Strings Cause Compiler to Hang

ID: Q80315

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FORTRAN for MS-DOS, version 5.1
  • Microsoft FORTRAN for OS/2, version 5.1


Compiling code that contains complicated PARAMETER statements involving strings concatenated with strings from prior PARAMETER statements may cause the compiler to hang the machine or generate a protection violation under OS/2.


The complexity of the string expressions in the PARAMETER statements must be reduced.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the products listed above. This problem was corrected in FORTRAN PowerStation, version 1.0.


The following code can be used to reproduce the problem:

Sample code

      program test

      character * (*) zcrlf

      parameter ( zcrlf = char(13) // char(10) )

      character * (*)
     1   zglobal_fe_id

      parameter (
     1   zglobal_fe_id =
     1      ' GLOBAL.FE' // 
     1      ' $Date:$' // 
     1      ' $Revision:$'
     1   )

      character * (*)
     1   xpn_pathnamf_fe_id

      parameter (
     1   xpn_pathnamf_fe_id =
     1       ' PATHNAMF.FE' // 
     1       ' $Date:$' // 
     1       ' $Revision:$' // 
     1       zglobal_fe_id
     1   )

      character * (*)
     1   xch_charfunf_fe_id

      parameter (
     1   xch_charfunf_fe_id =
     1       ' CHARFUNF.FE' // 
     1       ' $Date:$' // 
     1       ' $Revision:$' // 
     1       zglobal_fe_id
     1   )

      character * (*)
     1   xfn_filenamf_fe_id

      parameter (
     1   xfn_filenamf_fe_id =
     1       ' FILENAMF.FE' // 
     1       ' $Date:$' // 
     1       ' $Revision:$' // 
     1       xpn_pathnamf_fe_id // 
     1       zglobal_fe_id
     1   )

      character * (*)
     1   xmc_mktctlf_fe_id

      parameter (
     1   xmc_mktctlf_fe_id =
     1       ' MKTCTLF.FE' // 
     1       ' $Date:$' // 
     1       ' $Revision:$' // 
     1       xfn_filenamf_fe_id // 
     1       xpn_pathnamf_fe_id // 
     1       zglobal_fe_id
     1   )

      character * (*)
     1   xdb_dbiof_fe_id

      parameter (
     1   xdb_dbiof_fe_id =
     1       ' DBIOF.FE' // 
     1       ' $Date:$' // 
     1       ' $Revision:$' // 
     1       xch_charfunf_fe_id // 
     1       xfn_filenamf_fe_id // 
     1       xmc_mktctlf_fe_id // 
     1       zglobal_fe_id
     1   )

      character * (*) yscb_fi_id

      parameter (
     1   yscb_fi_id = zcrlf // 
     1        ' SCB.FI' // 
     1        ' $Date:$' // 
     1        ' $Revision:$' // 
     1        xdb_dbiof_fe_id // 
     1        xfn_filenamf_fe_id // 
     1        xpn_pathnamf_fe_id // 
     1        zglobal_fe_id
     1   )


Additional query words: 5.10 buglist5.10 fixlist1.00

Keywords :
Version : :5.1
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 3, 1999
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