DOCERR: Problems with CodeView for Windows and FORTRAN

ID: Q81543

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft FORTRAN for MS-DOS, version 5.1


An attempt to use CodeView for Windows (CVW) fails to work correctly. CVW does not start or it starts and corrupts the Windows video display.


CVW does not support the VGA card installed in your computer. The Video 7, FastWrite, Vega, and Speedstar cards are examples of video cards that CVW does not support.


If you have a 386 or 486 machine without a VGA card, or if you have an unsupported VGA card listed above, try loading the VCV.386 driver. Add the following line to the [386enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI file as follows:

Substitute the full path to the directory in which the VCV.386 file is installed for the word <path> above. The SYSTEM.INI file is in the Windows directory (by default C:\WINDOWS).

Start CVW with the /V option switch to use the installed VCV.386 driver.

This process is described in the SYSTEM.PRE file provided with Microsoft FORTRAN version 5.1 for MS-DOS. Ignore all references to the VDDEGA.386 and VDDVGA.386 files. Microsoft did not include these drivers with FORTRAN 5.1; the references to these files are in error.


CVW should work correctly on a 286 or a 386/486 machine in either standard or enhanced mode with a VGA monitor without any special files or drivers other than CVWIN.DLL. Place CVWIN.DLL into a directory in the MS-DOS PATH environment variable or in the Windows directory.

Additional query words: nofps utilities 5.10

Keywords :
Version : :5.1
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 1, 1999
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