MS LAN Man 2.1 Test Summary (American Power Back-UPS 450)

ID: Q89349

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, version 2.1


The following is a report of the test results of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) that participated in the Microsoft Compatibility Lab's (MCL) Peripheral test for Microsoft LAN Manager version 2.1.



American Power Conversion
132 Fairgrounds Rd.
West Kingston, RI 02892

Phone Number

(800) 800-4272

Date Tested


Uninterruptible Power Supply Data

Model                          Back-UPS 450
Serial Number                  W920271000
Supplied Cable Part Number     940-0020A
Vendor Supplied Software       N/A
Software Part Number           N/A 

UPS Switch Settings

Switch Number     Setting
-------------     -------

     1              OFF
     2              OFF
     3              OFF
     4              OFF 
The switch settings used are also factory defaults.

Testing Environment

Operating System      OS/2 1.3
Network               LAN Manager 2.1
Test Platforms        486/33 16 MB RAM
Bus Specification     EISA
Network Topology      Ethernet 


BatteryTime          60
CmdFile             N/A
MessDelay             2
MessTime            300
Recharge            100
Signals             111
VoltLevels          111 

Final Test Results

Test Focus                            Pass   Anomalies and/or Workarounds
----------                            ----   ----------------------------
Installation                          Yes
Fully Chargeable                      Yes
Power Lost Signal                     Yes
Power Restored Signal                 Yes
Low Battery Signal to Server          Yes
Shut Down Server                      Yes
Server Boots When Power Restored      Yes
Sustains Server Power for 5 Minutes   Yes 

Additional query words: certification mcl

Keywords :
Version : :2.1
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 11, 1999
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