CD-ROM Support with OS/2 1.3

ID: Q90181

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, version 1.0


This article explains how to install the Sony cdu-541 CD-ROM player with the Future Domain TMC-1680 (the TMC-1660 may also be used).


To configure the Future Domain TMC-1680, set the jumpers as follows

(o=open, c=closed):

     MS0   MS1
    W1-6  W1-7 Memory Address Range

    o     o    c8000-c9fff
    c     o    ca000-cbfff  (default)
    o     c    ce000-cffff
    c     c    de000-dffff

    IOS0  IOS1
    W1-4  W1-5 I/O Address Range

    o     o    0140-014f    (default)
    c     o    0150-015f
    o     c    0160-016f
    c     c    0170-017f

    IS0   IS1  IS2
    W1-1  W1-2 W1-3 Interrupt Level

    o     o    o    3
    c     o    o    5       (default)
    o     c    o    10
    c     c    o    11
    o     o    c    12
    c     o    c    14
    o     c    c    15
    c     c    c    Disabled


    W2-5  MEM  ROM and RAM Enable         (closed)
    W2-4  ROM  ROM Enable                 (closed)
    W2-3  CYL  AT Disk Controller Enable  (open)
    W2-2  SEC  Secondary Diskette Enable  (open)
    W2-1  PRI  Primary Diskette Enable    (closed) 
If the only drive to be used with the 1680 is the CD-ROM, leave the MEM and ROM jumpers open. If you are booting from an internal hard drive (or one where the controller is on the motherboard), you must set the CYL jumper closed or you will receive disk controller error messages. The SEC and PRI jumpers should also be left open if the CD-ROM drive is the only device attached to the 1680, because they are for floppy drive usage.

To configure the Sony cdu-541, there are only four jumpers on the back of the unit labeled: parity, 0, 1, and 2. If this is the only SCSI device on your system, an ID of 0 should suffice.

        Jumper Settings

         0   1   2

    ID 0 off off off (default)
    ID 1 on  off off
    ID 2 off on  off
    ID 3 on  on  off
    ID 4 off off on
    ID 5 on  off on
    ID 6 off on  on
    ID 7 on  on  on 

Connecting the Cable

This step may vary, but you should use a single-device SCSI ribbon cable with the red side of the cable facing away from where the power cord installs and toward the jumpers. The cable should be used with the red side on the side of the connector with pin 1, closest to the middle of the card.

Using the Unit

Ensure that the CD-ROM drivers are being loaded in the CONFIG.SYS file. These drivers are: DENON.VSD, STDCDROM.VSD, CDROM.TSD, and CDFS.IFS. These are loaded in CONFIG.SYS by default. Because the ROM is disabled (in this example), you will not see a sign-on banner from the card, nor a message saying that the device has installed. After the machine boots, you should be able to see the contents of your CD-ROM by logging on to your next available physical drive letter.

Additional query words: 1.00

Keywords :
Version : :1.0
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 10, 1999
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