Using INTDOSQQ for Password Entry in FORTRAN 5.1
ID: Q93905
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft FORTRAN for MS-DOS, version 5.1
You can create a program that allows for password entry using Microsoft
FORTRAN version 5.1 for MS-DOS. The Microsoft FORTRAN "Reference" manual
for version 5.1 explains using the INTDOSQQ and INTDOSXQQ subroutines to
invoke MS-DOS system calls using Interrupt 21h. Interrupt 21h Functions 7
and 8 retrieve input from the keyboard without echoing the input to the
display. Interrupt 21h Function 7 ignores the CTRL+C and CTRL+BREAK key
combinations while Interrupt 21h Function 8 processes these key
combinations by terminating the program. For more information about the
various functions provided by Interrupt 21h, see the "MS-DOS Encyclopedia"
or another reference on programming in the MS-DOS environment.
The following sample code use MS-DOS Interrupt 21h Function 7 to allow the
user to enter a password without echoing the keystrokes to the display. The
application uses Interrupt 21h Function 2 to display an asterisk on the
screen for each keystroke entered.
Sample Code
C Compiler options required: None
include ''
program password
character*80 pass
logical get_pass/.true./
integer*2 i, j, getch
write(*,'(1x,a,\)') 'ENTER PASSWORD > '
do while (get_pass)
j = getch() ! Get a character of the password
if (j .le. 32) then
if (j .eq. 8 .and. i .gt. 1) then ! BACKSPACE key pressed
i = i-1
call putchar( char(j) ) ! Move cursor back 1 character
call putchar( ' ' ) ! Write a blank over the asterisk
call putchar ( char(j) ) ! Move cursor back to blanks
pass(i:i+1) = ' '
if (j .eq. 13) get_pass = .false. ! ENTER key pressed - exit
call putchar( '*' ) ! Echo asterisk to display
pass(i:i) = char(j) ! Add input character to string
i = i + 1
if (i .gt. 80) get_pass = .false. ! Don't write past string end
write(*,*) 'password entered > ',pass
C The GETCH function retrieves a character from the
C Standard Input without echoing the character to the screen.
integer*2 function getch
include 'flib.fd'
record /regs$info/ in, out
in.bregs.ah = #07 ! Function 7 - STDIN Input (no echo)
call intdosqq(in, out) ! Interrupt 21h
getch = ! Input data returned in AL
C The PUTCHAR subroutine writes a single character to the screen.
subroutine putchar( ch )
include 'flib.fd'
record /regs$info/ in, out
character*1 ch
in.bregs.ah = #02 ! Function 2 - Display Output
in.bregs.dl = ch ! character to display goes in DL
call intdosqq(in, out) ! Interrupt 21h
Additional query words:
kbinf 5.10 nofps
Keywords :
Version : :5.1
Platform :
Issue type :