How to Add Printer Driver on a 3Server

ID: Q94232

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, version 2.1


Because of the remote API calls limitation, you can't install printer drivers remotely, so on a 3Server you must pre-install all the drivers during OS/2 setup. In "Installation and Configuration Guide for 3Server" it states:

The LAN Manager 2.1 for 3Server installation tape provides over 100 drivers pre-installed.
However, only 15 drivers are available. This article provides a workaround to install printer drivers on a 3Server.


To install printer drivers, do the following:

On the PC workstation:

  1. On an MS OS/2 1.31 workstation, install the printer drivers that you need.

  2. Copy the OS2SYS.INI file (under the \OS2\DLL directory) to a floppy disk. Be sure the floppy disk is the same media type as the 3Server console drive connection.

On the 3Server:

  1. Boot the 3Server with a console connection.

  2. Rename OS2SYS.INI (under the \OS2\DLL subdirectory) to OS2SYS.OLD.

  3. Copy the new OS2SYS.INI to \OS2\DLL subdirectory.

  4. CD to \OS2\DLL directory, make the proper subdirectory, and copy the printer driver over. For example (for an MSNULL driver):
       md msnull
       copy msnull.drv to msnull subdirectory 

  5. Reboot the 3Server.

Now if you browse to the 3Server, you should see all the printer drivers you want to use, and you can add printer and config print queue.

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Version : :2.1
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Last Reviewed: November 10, 1999
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