LAN Manager Messenger Service Hangs DOS Workstations

ID: Q94256



DOS workstations running the LAN Manager Messenger service may experience random hangs due to MS-DOS re-entry problems.


The problem is created by Messenger's lack of an Int 13 handler to prevent MS-DOS from being re-entered during a critical operation. This problem is most evident when running Windows on the workstation with a permanent swap file, because Windows does its permanent paging file operations by issuing Int 13.


This problem has been corrected in the latest version of MSRV.EXE. As a temporary workaround, disable LAN Manager's "logging" on the workstation. This allows workstations to receive pop-ups, but information is not written to the MESSAGES.LOG file. For more information, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

disable and logging and messenger and service

Additional query words: Win31 LM21 hang tokenring

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Last Reviewed: November 17, 1999
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