A History of Changes to SESSTIMEOUT from LM 2.0 to 2.2

ID: Q97876

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.1a, 2.2


Some problems that occur after upgrading from LAN Manager 2.1 to LAN Manager 2.1a (for instance, SQL application processes dying) can be solved by increasing sesstimeout on the workstation. The sesstimeout settings have changed from LAN Manager 2.0 to 2.2. This article lists the changes.


The sesstimeout parameter has the following effect on the LAN Manager versions listed:

LAN Manager 2.0

OS/2 workstations:

  • Set the value of the CALL/LISTEN NCB Send TimeOut (STO).

  • Set the redirector multiplex table "wait for SMB response" time-out.

MS-DOS workstations:

  • No effect (STO was set to 0 [no time-out], non-configurable. Redirector multiplex table "wait for SMB response" unlimited, non-configurable.

LAN Manager 2.1

OS/2 workstations:

  • Same as LAN Manager 2.0.

MS-DOS workstations:

  • Set the value of the CALL/LISTEN NCB Send TimeOut (STO) "wait for SMB response" unlimited, (non-configurable).

LAN Manager 2.1a

OS/2 workstations:

  • Same as LAN Manager 2.1.

MS-DOS workstations:

  • Set the value of the CALL/LISTEN NCB Send TimeOut (STO).

  • Set the redirector multiplex table "wait for SMB response" time-out.

LAN Manager 2.2

Same as LAN Manager 2.1a.

Additional query words: 2.00 2.0 2.10 2.1 2.10a 2.1a 2.20 2.2

Keywords : kbnetwork
Version : :2.0,2.1,2.1a,2.2
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 10, 1999
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