LANMAN.MIB Does Not Compile

ID: Q98624


The LANMAN.MIB Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Management Information Base (MIB) will not compile completely because of syntax errors and lack of support for RFC1155 and RFC1215 by the compiler manufacturer.


The LANMAN.MIB file returns errors when SNMP MIB compilers try to compile it.


Syntax errors are generated because of problems in six lines:

  • Line 1 is missing:

  • Lines 420, 426, and 432 generate syntax errors from stating "Size" instead of "size" or "SIZE."

  • Line 859 generates a syntax error from the missing right parenthesis: "(size(1..20)" instead of "(size(1..20))."

  • Line 953 generates a syntax error on TRAP-TYPE/ENVIRONMENT macro.


To correct line 1

Check with the SNMP MIB compiler supplier to verify how to specify the beginning of the MIB and what if any IMPORTS are necessary to support RFC1155. According to Microsoft specifications, the object definitions for the LANMAN.MIB should be supported by RFC1155.

To correct lines 420, 426, and 432

Use all lowercase or all uppercase letters for the word SIZE. This is sometimes MIB compiler specific.

To correct line 859

Add the matching right parenthesis after "20)".

To correct line 953

Check with the SNMP compiler supplier to verify how to specify support for RFC1215, which defines the TRAP-TYPE/ENVIRONMENT macro.

Additional query words: 2.10 2.1 2.10a 2.1a 2.20 2.2 tcpip

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Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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