ID: Q99233


The NET SEND command on MS-DOS LAN Manager workstations is LANA dependent. NET SEND [workstation] [message] is hard coded for use on LANA 0 only, and is not sent out using the "first valid network LANA" criterion.

NOTE: A LANA number is a unique identifier for a combination of one transport protocol and one network adapter.

NET SEND [workstation] [message]

No LANA 0:

If no protocol is loaded with a LANA number of 0, nothing is sent out on the network wire, no other LANAs are attempted, and this error message is returned:
NET3722: An error occurred while sending a message to workstation_name.

NET2273: The message alias cannot be found on the local-area network. More help may be obtained by typing NET HELPMSG 2273.
Yes LANA 0:

A session is established between the two systems and the message is sent.

NOTE: The Messenger Service is the only MS-DOS service that allows a session to be established to the workstation.

NET SEND /DOMAIN:domain message

This command is attempted on all loaded protocols regardless of LANA numbers.


See KB Articles on LANA for more information.

Additional query words: 2.20 LANA

Keywords :
Version :
Platform :
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Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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