RAS Error: "Lanman Not Installed" when LM is Installed

ID: Q99274

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, version 1.1


While installing Remote Access Software 1.1 (or upgrading from RAS 1.0) you may encounter the error "Lanman Software not Installed" when the correct version of LAN Manager is installed.


There are two possibilities:

  • the path= statement in CONFIG.SYS may not point to the LAN Manager subdirectory.

  • the MS-DOS environment space may be too low. The RAS install requires additional environment space, even if the LAN Manager subdirectory is already in the path statement.


To increase the MS-DOS environment space, use a text editor in CONFIG.SYS to increase the SHELL= statement /E:value by 128 bytes.

Note: If no /E: parameter is currently in the SHELL line, the default value of 128 bytes is being used. In this case, add /E:256 to the end of the SHELL= line.

Example SHELL= line in CONFIG.SYS:

   SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS\  /p /e:256 

Additional query words: ras 1.10 install/upgrade

Keywords :
Version : :1.1
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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