Third Party Software Products for Modem Communications

ID: Q99292


This article lists nine third party software products that facilitate modem communications in LAN Manager networks.


  • Synergy 602-545-9797 Modem Assist Plus version 3.0

  • Net2Com

  • Nuko 408-262-2225 Message Port/WFW

  • Delrina 416-441-3676 WinfaxPro/WFW

  • Calera 408-720-8300 FaxGrabber

  • Shiva 800-458-3550 NetModem/e (remote dial-in)

  • DCA 800-348-3221 Remote LAN Node (remote dial-in)

  • ACS 800-telebit For up to 16 ports on a dedicated PC. ACS supports LAN Manager and Netware through INT13h, BAPI and NCP protocol. It comes with Crosstalk for dial-out and PC Anywhere for dial-in.

  • ModemMizer 800-telebit

For two ports-COM1 and two non-dedicated.

Additional query words: 2.00 2.0 2.10 2.1 2.10a 2.1a 2.20 2.2 2.2a

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Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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