How to Boot Multiple MS-DOS Environment PCs from LAN Man

ID: Q99478


To install LAN Manager version 2.2 (with OS/2) remotely on multiple PCs (MS-DOS environment) is somewhat tricky. Follow this procedure:

  1. On the OS/2 server, build a tree with the OS/2, LANMAN, and root directories. You can do this only when the server is booted in MS-DOS. If OS/2 is only HPFS, boot off one of the old HPFS recovery diskettes and do it from there. Also, there are a couple hidden files you will want to get.

  2. Build an MS-DOS basic redirector boot disk.

  3. Boot the workstation with the boot diskette, and copy the tree from the server to the workstation.

  4. Put down the boot sector with debug.

  5. Change the LANMAN.INI file to the new computer name and the default user name.

Additional query words: 2.00 2.0 2.10 2.1 2.10a 2.1a 2.20 2.2

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Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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