Running Script Files with Windows for Workgroups

ID: Q99644


When running Windows for Workgroups, you can specify the domain you log on to. During the logon process, WFWG logs you on to that domain and runs the logon script in an MS-DOS box, but if you log on at the MS-DOS command prompt, WFWG loads the real mode redirector and the real mode NetBEUI protocol. This logs you on to the WFWG workstation only, not on to the LAN Manager domain, and the logon script will not run.


WFWG uses share-level security, information for which is saved in a file named USERNAME.PWL (for example, JIM.PWL). Because WFWG doesn't support centralized logon authority, it saves the information about the persistent connection in a file named SHARES.PWL. The NET LOGON command at the MS-DOS prompt simply establishes a local user ID and password. It establishes the persistent connection as defined in SHARES.PWL.

Additional query words: wfw wfwg 2.20 2.2 lm 2.1a network

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Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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