Disk Corruption on IBM PS/2 Model 95 with FT Installed

ID: Q99748

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft LAN Manager, versions 2.1a, 2.2


Several customers have run into serious problems after upgrading to LAN Manager 2.1a on an IBM PS/2 Model 95 with fault tolerance installed.

Some observed behavior includes:

  • OS/2 Trap Ds during boot. On a test lab machine, it started trapping at l11_Trap0dSimulate+3a 0238:38BB MOV AL, BYTE PTR[DI+05].

  • Booting from HPFS386 recovery disk shows that drive D cannot be accessed. On the test lab machine, no disk drives were found.

After the system partition was reinstalled from the IBM PS/2 Mod 95 reference diskette, the system started booting again, but CHKDSK could not restore drive D, and returned these two messages:
SYS0551: Warning CHKDSK cannot find the root directory of the specified disk but will still attempt to reconstruct the file system
(The debugger showed that HPFS386 was loaded.)

This was followed by:
SYS0107: An HPFS386 volume on drive D: cannot be mounted because it has not been initialized for this version of LAN Manager.
(This occurred even if no previous LAN Manager version was installed.)


There are two:

  • An incorrect UHPFS.DLL was shipped with LAN Manager 2.1a.

  • HPFS386 had to be altered to handle BIDs returning "sector not found" instead of "drive has been removed."


The resulting disk corruption problem has been fixed by rewriting the UHPFS.DLL shipped with LAN Manager 2.1a and the HPFS386.

The UHPFS.DLL was to be fixed in the LAN Manager 2.2 build.

Additional query words: 2.10a 2.1a 2.20 2.2

Keywords : kbnetwork
Version : :2.1a,2.2
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 10, 1999
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