BUG: Use of Certain Scalar Functions May Cause SQLFetch Errors

ID: Q112689

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Open Database Connectivity, version 1.0

BUG# ODBCDBASE: 1857 (1.01.1928)


Under certain circumstances, memory allocation errors may be returned from drivers that ship with the ODBC Database Driver Pack. These errors occur when fetching a results set from a certain kind of SQL Statement that uses ODBC scalar functions.

The following SQL query uses scalar functions and causes errors, not on SQLExecDirect or SQLExecute, but on SQLFetch after 1087 rows have been retrieved.

   select *
   from "test"
   {fn CONVERT('19'+
        {fn LEFT("test"."col_DATE_Y" ,2) }        +   '-'      +
        {fn LEFT("test"."col_DATE_MD",2)}       +   '-'  +
        {fn RIGHT({ fn RTRIM("test"."col_DATE_MD") }  , 2  )  }
   >= '1992-01-01' 
Errors received on SQLFetch after 1087 rows have been fetched:
[Microsoft][ODBC Single-Tier Driver]Error in predicate:
[Microsoft][ODBC Single-Tier Driver]Expression evaluation error
[Microsoft][ODBC Single-Tier Driver]Memory allocation error.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the ODBC Desktop Database Drivers 1.0 (drivers version 1.01.1928) This problem has been fixed in drivers version 1.02.1403, which is available from Microsoft Product Services. For more information, please contact your primary support provider.

Additional query words: 1.01.1928 DDD Visual C++

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 25, 1999
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