BUG: Time Value Converted to Datetime Using Access ODBC Driver

ID: Q119487

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Open Database Connectivity, version 1.0

BUG# ODBCDBASE: 2128 (1.01.1928)


When a value of type time is converted and inserted into a column in a Microsoft Access data source, defined as of type datetime, the converted value is incorrectly interpreted by Microsoft Access.

For example, consider the following SQL statements, executed using ODBC calls:

   SQLAllocConnect (henv, &hdbc);
   SQLDriverConnect (hdbc, hwnd, "", 0,
     szConnStrOut,cbConnStrOutMax,&cbConnStrOut, SQL_DRIVER_PROMPT);
   SQLAllocStmt(hdbc, &hstmt); 
You can use either prepared execution or direct execution.

Prepared Execution

   SQLPrepare(hstmt,"insert into test values(?)",SQL_NTS);

   //Bind the parameter, define rgbValue to be a TIME_STRUCT

   SQLBindParameter(hstmt,1,SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_TIME,

   //Set appropriate time values in the rgbValue

   //Execute the prepared statement

Direct Execution

   SQLExecDirect(hstmt,"insert into test values({t '10:10:10'})",SQL_NTS);

      SQLFreeStmt (hstmt, SQL_DROP);
When a select is executed on that table, the value returned is as expected, with date part set to 0:
0000-00-00 10:10:10
However, if the table is opened in Microsoft Access, the datetime field contains time value as 12 AM with a date value of 12/30/9999.


Use the timestamp value with a date part as well as time part when inserting or doing the conversion.

For SQLBindParameter, change the fCType to SQL_C_TIMESTAMP and define rgbValue to be TIMESTAMP_STRUCT, and set appropriate values in date and time parts of the structure.

For SQLExecDirect, use escape clause for timestamp data instead of the escape clause for time data.

   //Bind the parameter, define rgbValue to be a TIMESTAMP_STRUCT


Direct Execution

   SQLExecDirect(hstmt, "insert into test values({ts '1990-01-01
This will set the date and time values correctly.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft Access ODBC driver version 1.01.1928. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.

Additional query words: 1.01.1928 ODBC MSVC VC++ DDD

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 24, 1999
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