BUG: Outer Join with Another Table in FROM May Cause SQL_ERROR

ID: Q122648

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Open Database Connectivity, version 1.0

BUG# Addon_Bugs: 10567 (1.02.3231)


A left outer join between two tables along with a third table in the FROM clause can cause SQL_ERROR to be returned. This happens only when the outer join escape syntax is used and the third table appears after the escape sequence in the FROM clause.


   SELECT t1.col1, t1.col2, t2.col1, t2.col2
   FROM {oj testoj1 t1 left outer join testoj2 t2 on t1.col1 = t2.col1},
        testoj3 t3,
   WHERE t3.col1 = t1.col1 
This generates a syntax error:
SQLSTATE = 37000 NativeError = 102
ErrorMsg = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Incorrect syntax near ','


The SQL Server driver incorrectly translates the above SELECT statement to:

   SELECT t1.col1, t1.col2, t2.col1, t2.col2
   FROM  testoj1 t1,  testoj2 t2
   WHERE  t1.col1 *=  t2.col1 ,  testoj3 t3
   WHERE t3.col1 = t1.col1 
This is incorrect syntax; hence, it causes the error.


Rewrite the SELECT statement such that testoj3 appears before the outer join escape clause:

   SELECT t1.col1, t1.col2, t2.col1, t2.col2
   FROM   testoj3 t3, 
{oj testoj1 t1 left outer join testoj2 t2 on t1.col1 = t2.col1}

   WHERE t3.col1 = t1.col1 


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in ODBC SQL Server Driver versions 1.02.3231. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.

Additional query words: 1.02.3231 kbbug1.02.3231 kbprg kberrmsg

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: August 25, 1999
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