BUG: Btrieve: Drop Table Does Not Remove Entry in SQLTables

ID: Q128486

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Open Database Connectivity, version 2.0

BUG# QJET: 1267 (2.00.2114)


Use of the SQL syntax Drop Table with the ODBC Btrieve Driver from the ODBC Desktop Database Drivers version 2.0 will correctly delete the table from the .DDF file; however, the reference to this table will still be contained when SQLTables is called on this Btrieve database. Thus, a new table of the same name cannot be created even though the table is no longer physically present in the database.

For example, use ODBC Test to try to create a Btrieve table, then drop it, and try to recreate it again. This should work.

   create table test1  (col1 string(30))
Returns: SQL_SUCCESS=0

   drop table test1
Returns: SQL_SUCCESS=0

   create table test1  (col1 string(30))
Return:   SQL_ERROR=-1
stmt:szSqlState = "S0001", *pfNativeError = -1303, *pcbErrorMsg = 62
szErrorMsg="[Microsoft][ODBC Btrieve Driver] Table 'test1' already


The ODBC Btrieve driver version 2.00.2317 will resolve this problem. It must be used in conjunction with WBTRCALL.DLL that is dated 3/31/92 and is 51,392 bytes in size. This file must be obtained from Btrieve Technologies or Novell. Please contact these vendors for more information on this file.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft ODBC Btrieve version 2.00.2114. This problem has been fixed in the Microsoft ODBC Btrieve version 2.00.2317. For more information, please contact your primary support provider.

Additional query words: 2.00.2317 ODBC Btrieve Desktop Database Drivers 2.0 MFC Word Query Excel Visual C++

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 28, 1999
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