How to Get the ODBC Version 2.5 Components

ID: Q135239

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Open Database Connectivity, version 2.5


This article discusses what is included in the Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) version 2.5 components and how to get them.


ODBC version 2.5 has some very useful additional features over ODBC version 2.10. These include system level data sources, capability to uninstall installed ODBC components, and new and modified installer functions. Version 2.5 is supported on Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT versions 3.5 and 3.51. ODBC version 2.5 does not contain any 16-bit components and will not be supported on RISC platforms. You should use ODBC version 2.10 in these cases.

ODBC version 2.5 contains the following components:

   COMPONENT                 FILENAME
   ---------                 --------

   Driver Manager            ODBC32.DLL

   Installer                 ODBCCP32.DLL

   Cursor Library            ODBCCR32.DLL

   Language Library          ODBCINT.DLL

   Administrator             ODBCAD32.EXE

   Thunking Files            DS32GT.DLL

   Installer Help            ODBCINST.HLP

   Header Files              ODBCINST.H

   Lib Files                 ODBC32.LIB

   ODBC Test                 ODBCTE32.EXE

ODBC version 2.5 also uses the thunking file DS16GT.DLL that was included in the ODBC 2.10 Software Development Kit (SDK). It is not included in the ODBC version 2.5 file list, so it should be retained from the ODBC version 2.10 SDK. Note that on Windows 95, a 32-bit multithreaded driver will not work when a 16-bit application tries to use it. A 32-bit multithreaded driver will work, on the other hand, with a 32-bit application. The restriction on 16-bit applications occurs because Windows 95 does not support multiple threads within a 16-bit process space.

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Additional query words: 2.50 visual c++ mfc sdk

Keywords : kbfile
Version : WINDOWS:2.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 16, 1999
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