INF: Driver Manager Trace Facility Logs User Names and Passwords

ID: Q168879

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Open Database Connectivity, version 3.0


If you use the ODBC 3.0 Driver Manager trace facility with the Odbctrac.dll file that comes with ODBC 3.0, user names and passwords used for connections may be logged without encryption in the trace log.


You can prevent an ODBC 3.0 Driver Manager trace on computers either by removing the Odbctrac.dll file or by replacing it with a zero-length file of the same name. If tracing is attempted afterwards, the following message may appear:

General Error: either odbctrac.dll is not an ODBC tracing dll or it is obsolete.
With ODBC version 3.0 Service Pack 1, the user names and passwords are displayed as "******" in the trace log. Also, the trace DLL must be in the System directory on computers running Windows 95 or the System32 directory on computers running Windows NT. If the trace DLL is located elsewhere, tracing will not occur, and the message described above may appear.


The ODBC 3.0 Driver Manager trace facility is provided as a debugging tool for diagnosing a wide range of ODBC issues, including database connectivity. In many debugging instances, it is necessary to determine what user name and password were used to establish the connection to the database. The ODBC 3.0 Driver Manager trace logs the user name and password to allow for comprehensive debugging of ODBC issues, and is the ODBC 3.0 replacement for the Driver Manager trace facility and ODBC SPY trace program for ODBC 2.x. The ODBC SPY trace program also logs the user name and password used in a connection.

The proper use of the ODBC 3.0 tracing facility is documented in the ODBC 3.0 Programmer's Reference Guide in Chapter 17, "Programming Considerations," under the section for Tracing.

You can find additional information on ODBC security at:

Additional query words: utility

Keywords : kbinterop kbusage SSrvProg
Version : WINDOWS:3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: August 25, 1999
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