HOWTO: Acquire and Install the Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver

ID: Q175018

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft ODBC for Oracle (Build 2.573.2927), version 2.5
  • Microsoft ODBC for Oracle (Build 2.573.3711), version 2.5
  • Microsoft ODBC for Oracle (Build 2.573.4202), version 2.5


This article describes the procedures for acquiring and installing the Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver version 2.5, which is a component of the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.0 and higher.


The Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver version 2.5 is part of the Microsoft Data Access Components version 2.0 and 2.1. You will need to download this "stack" from the Microsoft Web site and install them. The Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver version 2.5 is available with Visual Studio 6.0, MDAC 2.0 and 2.1, and the Data Access Software Development Kit (SDK) 2.0.

NOTE: There is no way to acquire the Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver v2.0 outside of the MDAC stack. The driver was developed and tested with the components in the stack and that is the best way to install and use the driver.

Step-by-Step Example

  1. Go to the Microsoft Universal Data Access Web site located at the following Web URL:

  2. On the Web site, click the Downloads link listed under the UDA Contents on the left of the page. This displays a page that lists the available free downloads.

  3. Click the link titled "Download MDAC (GA)" to open the download page for the MDAC 2.1 SP2 stack. Please read through the information on this page pertaining to system and software requirements.

  4. Follow the on download intructions given on the website.

  5. Click on the link titled "Download the Microsoft Data Access SDK version 2.0 and the Microsoft Data Access Components version 2.0".

  6. Once the MDAC 2.1 SP2 installation is complete, you should see the Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver version 2.5 listed under the Drivers tab of your ODBC Manager as follows:
          NAME:      Microsoft ODBC for Oracle
          VERSION:   2.573.4202
          COMPANY:   Microsoft Corporation
          FILE:      MSORCL32.DLL
          DATE:      6/4/99 

For information about setting up a data source name (DSN) for the Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver version 2.5, please consult the Help file for the driver. The Help file for the driver was installed in the appropriate SYSTEM directory (i.e. SYSTEM for Windows 95 and Windows 98, and SYSTEM32 for NT) along with the driver DLL. The name of the Help file is MSORCL32.HLP.


For more information on how to use this driver with RDO version 2.0,please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q167225 HOWTO: Access an Oracle Database Using RDO

Q174679 HOWTO: Retrieve Resultsets from Oracle Stored Procedures

Q174981 "HOWTO: Retrieve Typical Resultsets From Oracle Stored Procedures

© Microsoft Corporation 1997, All Rights Reserved.
Contributions by Sam Carpenter, Microsoft Corporation

Additional query words: oracle odbc driver mdac mdac1.5 ado rds

Keywords : kbsetup kbDatabase kbDriver kbODBC kbOracle kbGrpMDAC kbMDAC200 kbMDAC210
Version : WINDOWS:2.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: November 13, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.