BUG: SQL DSN Reverts from Standard Security to Integrated Security

ID: Q244531

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server (build 3.70.0623), version 3.7
  • Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server (Build 3.70.0690), version 3.7

BUG #: 56502 (SQLBUG_70)


Using ODBC Administrator, If you reopen an existing SQL Server DSN and click Finish on the first screen, it may revert the security mode from standard SQL security to integrated security. This may cause login failure when you connect to SQL Server if the requirements for Windows NT Authentication are not satisfied.


The workaround is not to click Finish on the first screen when you edit an existing SQL Server DSN. If you go through the other screens during second edit of DSN, the problem will not occur.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Set up a DSN using SQL Server ODBC driver with standard SQL security.

  2. On the last screen , click Finish and make sure the Use Integrated Security attribute is selected as "No".

  3. Click OK to save the DSN.

  4. Reopen the DSN and click Finish on the first screen, notice the Use Integrated Security attribute has changed to "Yes".

  5. Test fails if you are logged on as a non-admin account.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbODBC kbGrpMDAC kbGrpODBC
Version : WINDOWS:3.7
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: December 28, 1999
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