PRB: Most ADO Recordset Properties Are Not Marshalled
ID: Q185423
The information in this article applies to:
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), versions 1.5, 2.0, 2.1 SP2
Most ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Recordset properties such as STATUS and SOURCE are not marshalled between processes. In ADO 1.5, only a couple of
underlying OLE DB properties of the rowset get marshalled with the rowset;
DBPROP_IRowsetChange and DBPROP_IRowsetUpdate. When passing a recordset between processes, you primarily get the recordset data without any state.
In the case of the STATUS property, it should be noted that error based status codes originating from operations such as UPDATE, UPDATEBATCH, and so forth, are not preserved. Only the data is preserved.
The SOURCE property will be null when marshalling a recordset irrespective of what is set at the server.
You must return the Recordset state data, such as SOURCE and STATUS properties, explicitly in your own data structures. For example, if you call a method of a business object that returns a recordset, you would also create an argument of the method that can be used to return the state data.
This behavior is by design.
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
- Write an OLE Out-of-process server (ActiveX EXE)in Visual Basic (VB) and add a method returning an ADO disconnected recordset and a method that updates the recordset.
Before returning the recordset from the method, use another recordset
object to modify one of the records held in the first recordset:
' Function to return a disconnected recordset.
Public Function GetRcdSet() As Recordset
Dim con As New Connection
Dim rs1 As New Recordset, rs2 As New Recordset
Dim newValue as String
newValue = "Test Modified String"
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
con.Open "DSN=SQLServer;database=pubs", "sa"
Set rs1.ActiveConnection = con
rs1.CursorLocation = adUseClient
' Table1 is a table with the first column Varchar(255).
rs1.Open "table1", , adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
' Check the value of Source property - should be "Table1".
Debug.Print rs1.Source
' Disconnect recordset.
Set rs1.ActiveConnection = Nothing
Set GetRcdSet = rs1
' Modify one of the records.
rs2.Open "table1", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
rs2.Fields(0).Value = newValue
Set rs2 = Nothing
Set con = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
End Function
' Function to update the changes made to the recordset and
' also returns the recordset back to the client.
Public Function Update(rs As Recordset) As Recordset
Dim con As New Connection
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
con.Open "dsn=Ram;database=pubs", "sa"
Set rs.ActiveConnection = con
rs.UpdateBatch adAffectAll
Set Update = rs
Set con = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error in updating ErrDesc: " & Err.Description
Set Update = rs
Debug.Print "status at server is " & rs.Status
Set con = Nothing
End Function
- Write a client application (Standard EXE) in VB. In the client
application, create the server object, get the disconnected recordset by
calling the first method (GetRcdSet) and then modify the first record.
Pass the recordset back to the second method of the server (Update) that
tries to update the recordset by calling UpdateBatch().
The STATUS property will be 2050 error (modified and concurrency
problem) as expected.
Now, check the STATUS property of the recordset returned by the Update
method of the server. The STATUS property of the returned recordset is
2 (modified) instead of 2050 (modified and concurrency):
Sample Code
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim x As Object
Dim rs2 As Recordset
Set x = CreateObject("myproj.cls1")
Set rs = x.GetRcdSet
' Check the value of Source property.
' Source property is empty string here.
Debug.Print rs.Source
' Modify a field in a recordset.
rs.Fields(0).Value = "String modified at client"
Set rs2 = x.Update(rs)
Debug.Print "Status at client" & rs2.Status
Set rs2 = Nothing
End Sub
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbADO150 kbDatabase kbOLEDB kbVBp600 kbGrpVBDB kbGrpMDAC kbDSupport kbMDAC200 kbMDAC210SP2
Version : WINDOWS:1.5,2.0,2.1 SP2
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb