INFO: When Table Name Is Available Using ADO, RDO, DAO
ID: Q204848
The information in this article applies to:
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), versions 2.0, 2.01, 2.1 SP2
Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0
It is sometimes desirable to retrieve the sourcetable name for a given field in a query. This can be important for a join query when two tables have fields with the same name.
Table name is not always available when using ADO, RDO, or DAO cursors. Availability depends on the cursor type. When using ADO it also depends on the provider.
In RDO, sourcetable name will not be available if the Cursordriver property of the rdoenvironment is set to rdUseOdbc or rdUseNone. Likewise, in DAO when using odbcdirect, the sourcetable name will not be available if the defaultcursordriver is set to dbUseOdbc or dbUseNoCursor. When using DAO with JET workspaces, the sourcetable name always seems to be available for the allowable combinations of type, options, and lockedits.
In ADO, when using the MSDASQL or the SQLOLEDB providers there is no selection for odbc, and the sourcetable called BASETABLENAME is always available except for the adopenforwardonly and adlockreadonly combination when using the serverside cursor.
Use the following RDO code to test for the availability of sourcetable name:
- Open a Standard EXE project and select Microsoft Remote Data Object 2.0 under Project References. Place two CommandButtons on the form.
- Paste the following code in the form code window:
Option Explicit
Dim rdoen As rdoEnvironment
Dim rdocn As New rdoConnection
Dim rdors As rdoResultset
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set rdors = rdocn.OpenResultset("select * from authors", _
rdOpenKeyset, rdConcurValues)
Debug.Print "sourcecolumn: " & rdors(0).SourceColumn
Debug.Print "sourcetable: " & rdors(0).SourceTable 'Nothing Returned
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set rdoen = rdoEngine(0)
Set rdocn = rdoen.OpenConnection("", rdDriverNoPrompt, False, _
"Driver={SQL Server};server=margerys4; UID=sa; PWD=;database=pubs")
Set rdoen = rdoEngine(0)
rdoen.CursorDriver = rdUseOdbc
Set rdocn = rdoen.OpenConnection("", rdDriverNoPrompt, False, _
"Driver={SQL Server};server=margerys4; UID=sa; PWD=;database=pubs")
Debug.Print rdoen.CursorDriver
End Sub
- Run the above code and note that nothing is printed for the sourcetable name. Change the cursor property to rdUseServer or rdUseClientBatch and run the code again.
Use the following DAO code to test for the availability of sourcetable name:
- Create a Standard EXE project and select Microsoft DAO 3.51 Object Library under Project References.
- Place one CommandButton on the form and paste the following code in the form code window:
Option Explicit
Dim ws As Workspace
Dim cn As Connection
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim strsql As String
'The following code will return the sourcetable name.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set ws = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace("", "", "", dbUseODBC)
' ws.DefaultCursorDriver = dbUseClientBatchCursor '3
' ws.DefaultCursorDriver = dbUseServerCursor '2
' ws.DefaultCursorDriver = dbUseDefaultCursor '-1
ws.DefaultCursorDriver = dbUseODBCCursor '1
' ws.DefaultCursorDriver = dbUseNoCursor '4
Set cn = ws.OpenConnection("", , , "ODBC;DSN=mymachine;uid=sa;pwd=;database=pubs")
strsql = "select * from authors"
Set rs = cn.OpenRecordset(strsql, dbOpenDynaset, 0, dbOptimistic) 'Use the following if testing the dbUseNoCursor:
'Set rs = cn.OpenRecordset(strsql, dbOpenForwardOnly, 0, dbReadOnly)
Debug.Print rs.Fields(0).SourceTable
Debug.Print ws.DefaultCursorDriver
End Sub
- No sourcetable name prints with rdUseOdbcCursor. If you uncomment some of the other cursor types, the sourcetable name is printed (except for dbUseNoCursor).
The following ADO code shows when the sourcetable name is available for the various combinations of provider, cursorlocation, and cursortype. Sourcetable name is referred to as BASETABLENAME in the recordset properties for ADO.
The code also prints other recordset properties that are available in the immediate window. Please note the following observations:
- A cursortype of adopenforwardonly and adlockreadonly will not allow access to the recordset properties regardless of the settings of the provider and cursorlocation.
- When using aduseclient cursorlocation, the cursortype is always adopenstatic regardless of what you set it to be.
- Various combinations of cursortype and locktype are accepted. ADO does not allow some combinations or changes the cursortype for some locktypes.
Steps to Demonstrate
Steps 1 through 5 create a very messy looking form. When the form is run, the code arranges all the controls. Do not spend time trying to arrange the controls neatly. You will probably just want to place them so they are not all in one place. This will help you verify that you have the right number of controls on the form.
- Create a Standard EXE project and, under Project References, select
Microsoft Active Data Objects library 2.0.
- Place a textbox on the form. Copy it and paste it on the form
eight (8) times. This creates a control array of textboxes that can be
referred to as text1(0), text1(1) etc.
- Place a label on the form. Copy the label five (5) times. This creates an
array of labels that can be referred to as label1(0), label1(1) etc.
- Place a listbox on the form and copy it three (3) times.
- Place a CommandButton on the form and copy it once.
- Paste the following code in the form code window:
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cnstr As String
Dim sqlstr As String
Dim pr As Property
Private Sub Form_Load()
Form1.Height = 6000
Form1.Width = 8000
Form1.Top = 0
Label1(0).Caption = "Make a selection from each listbox. " & _
"Some combinations will allow you to access the table name " & _
"of a particular field and other combinations will not. If the " & _
"table name cannot be determined, a message will print instead " & _
"of the table name. Notice that the cursortype for aduseclient " & _
"is always adopenstatic regardless of what is selected."
Label1(0).Top = 0
Label1(0).Left = 240
Label1(0).Width = 6495
Label1(0).Height = 1335
Label1(0).Font = "comic sans ms;bold"
Label1(1).Caption = "Provider"
Label1(1).Top = 1560
Label1(1).Left = 120
Label1(1).Width = 615
Label1(1).Height = 375
Label1(2).Caption = "Cursorlocation"
Label1(2).Top = 1560
Label1(2).Left = 1800
Label1(2).Width = 615
Label1(2).Height = 375
Label1(3).Caption = "Cursortype"
Label1(3).Top = 1560
Label1(3).Left = 3960
Label1(3).Width = 855
Label1(3).Height = 375
Label1(4).Caption = "LockType"
Label1(4).Top = 1560
Label1(4).Left = 5640
Label1(4).Width = 975
Label1(4).Height = 375
Label1(5).Caption = "Table Name"
Label1(5).Top = 4800
Label1(5).Left = 120
Label1(5).Width = 975
Label1(5).Height = 375
Text1(0).Top = 1560
Text1(0).Left = 1080
Text1(0).Width = 495
Text1(0).Height = 285
Text1(1).Top = 1560
Text1(1).Left = 3000
Text1(1).Width = 495
Text1(1).Height = 285
Text1(2).Top = 1560
Text1(2).Left = 4920
Text1(2).Width = 495
Text1(2).Height = 285
Text1(3).Top = 1560
Text1(3).Left = 6720
Text1(3).Width = 495
Text1(3).Height = 285
Text1(4).Top = 3240
Text1(4).Left = 120
Text1(4).Width = 1355
Text1(4).Height = 405
Text1(5).Top = 3240
Text1(5).Left = 1800
Text1(5).Width = 1355
Text1(5).Height = 405
Text1(6).Top = 3240
Text1(6).Left = 3720
Text1(6).Width = 1355
Text1(6).Height = 405
Text1(7).Top = 3240
Text1(7).Left = 5640
Text1(7).Width = 1355
Text1(7).Height = 405
Text1(8).Top = 4800
Text1(8).Left = 1320
Text1(8).Width = 2655
Text1(8).Height = 375
List1(0).Top = 1920
List1(0).Height = 1035
List1(0).Left = 120
List1(0).Width = 1575
List1(1).Top = 1920
List1(1).Height = 1035
List1(1).Left = 1800
List1(1).Width = 1575
List1(2).Top = 1920
List1(2).Height = 1035
List1(2).Left = 3720
List1(2).Width = 1575
List1(3).Top = 1920
List1(3).Height = 1035
List1(3).Left = 5640
List1(3).Width = 1575
Command1(0).Top = 3960
Command1(0).Left = 0
Command1(0).Width = 7215
Command1(0).Height = 615
Command1(0).Caption = "Get Table Name"
Command1(1).Top = 4800
Command1(1).Left = 5040
Command1(1).Width = 1455
Command1(1).Height = 615
Command1(1).Caption = "Quit"
List1(0).AddItem "MSDASQL"
List1(0).AddItem "SQLOLEDB.1"
List1(1).AddItem "adUseServer"
List1(1).AddItem "adUseClient"
List1(2).AddItem "adopenforwardonly"
List1(2).AddItem "adopenkeyset"
List1(2).AddItem "adopendynamic"
List1(2).AddItem "adopenstatic"
List1(3).AddItem "adlockreadonly"
List1(3).AddItem "adlockpessimistic"
List1(3).AddItem "adlockoptimistic"
List1(3).AddItem "adbatchlockoptimistic"
End Sub
' The code below places the number of the item selected in the text
' box above it.
' The number of the item is not always the same as its
' place in the list.
' The numbers for aduseserver and aduseserver are 2 and 3, respectively.
Private Sub List1_Click(Index As Integer)
Select Case Index
Case 0
Text1(0) = List1(0).ListIndex
Case 1
Text1(1) = List1(1).ListIndex + 2
Case 2
Text1(2) = List1(2).ListIndex
Case 3
Text1(3) = List1(3).ListIndex + 1
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer)
If Index = 1 Then
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
cnstr = "provider=" & List1(0).Text _
& " ;DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=margerys4;UID=sa;PWD=;DATABASE=pubs"
With cn
.ConnectionString = cnstr
.CursorLocation = List1(1).ListIndex + 2
End With
sqlstr = "Select * from publishers"
With rs
.CursorType = List1(2).ListIndex
.LockType = List1(3).ListIndex + 1
.ActiveConnection = cn
.Source = sqlstr
End With
If rs(0).Properties.Count > 0 Then
'When using aduseserver with MSDASQL no properties are available.
If cn.CursorLocation = 2 Then
'Basetablename is #4 in the list for aduseserver.
If Not IsNull(rs(0).Properties(3).Value) Then
Text1(8).Text = rs(0).Properties(3).Value
Text1(8).Text = "table name not available"
End If
'Basetablename is #2 in the list for aduseclient.
If Not IsNull(rs(0).Properties(1).Value) Then
Text1(8).Text = rs(0).Properties(1).Value
Text1(8).Text = "table name not available"
End If
End If
Text1(8).Text = "no properties for this cursor"
End If
'These text boxes show the properties that actually get set.
Text1(4).Text = cn.Provider
Text1(5).Text = rs.CursorLocation
Text1(6).Text = rs.CursorType
Text1(7).Text = rs.LockType
Debug.Print cn.CursorLocation & ";" & _
rs.CursorType & ";" & rs.LockType
'The immediate window loops through the properties available.
'Notice the properties avail for aduseserver and aduseclient are not 'the same.
Debug.Print "___________________________________"
For Each pr In rs(0).Properties
Debug.Print "property is "; pr.Name & " value is " & pr.Value
Next pr
Debug.Print "---------------------end-----------------"
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub
- Run the form and make selections in each of the listboxes. Click
Get Table Name and note that the table name is displayed in the text
box. The immediate window displays other recordset properties
that are available. At this point, most of these are empty.
(c) Microsoft Corporation 1999, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Margery Simms, Microsoft Corporation.
Additional query words:
kbDSupport kbdse
Keywords : kbADO200 kbDAO350 kbDatabase kbOLEDB kbRDO200 kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbGrpVBDB
Version : WINDOWS:2.0,2.01,2.1 SP2,5.0,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo