HOWTO: Implement Nested Transactions with ADO and SQL Server

ID: Q238163

The information in this article applies to:
  • ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), versions 2.0, 2.01, 2.1, 2.1 SP1, 2.1 SP2
  • Microsoft SQL Server versions 6.5, 7.0


ADO, with both SQLOLEDB and MSDASQL providers, does not support nested transactions with SQL Server. However, native T-SQL commands can still be used with ADO to implement nested transactions against SQL Server.

This can be accomplished in two different ways:

Model-1: Without using save points

- Begin OuterTrans
- Begin InnerTrans1
- Begin InnerTrans2
- Begin InnerTrans3

Committing OuterTrans commits all nested transactions. Rolling back OuterTrans rolls back all nested transactions.

Model-2: Using save points:

- Begin OuterTrans
- Save InnerTrans1
- Save InnerTrans2
- Save InnerTrans3

Committing OuterTrans commits all nested transactions. Rolling back any saved inner-transaction point rolls back all transactions nested under that point. Saved points can be used to roll back nested transactions from a given point on without affecting transactions nested under different saved points.


The following is a sample Visual Basic ADO application that goes against SQL Server. It uses the "stores" table in pubs database.

  1. Create a new standard EXE Visual Basic project. Form1 is created by default. Add two command buttons to Form1 as follows:

  2. Command1.Caption : Use Nested Transactions
    Command1.Name : NestedTrans

    Command2.Caption : Use Save Points
    Command2.Name : SavePoint
  3. Add the following reference to the project: "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library."

  4. Paste the following lines into the Code window for Form1:

    Option Explicit
    Dim Cn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim Cmd As New ADODB.Command
    Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
    Private Sub SavePoint_Click()
      With rst
        .ActiveConnection = Cn
        .CursorType = adOpenStatic
        .Source = "select * from stores where stor_id LIKE '10%'"
      End With
      Cn.Execute "Delete from stores where stor_id LIKE  '10%'"
      ' OuterTrans
      Cn.Execute "BEGIN TRANSACTION OuterMost"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(101,'1st Store')"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(102,'2nd Store')"
      ' InnerTrans1 Transaction
      Cn.Execute "SAVE TRANSACTION InnerTrans1"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(103,'3rd Store')"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(104,'4th Store')"
      ' InnerTrans2 Transaction
      Cn.Execute "SAVE TRANSACTION InnerTrans2"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(105,'5th Store')"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(106,'6th Store')"
      ' InnerTrans3 Transaction
      Cn.Execute "SAVE TRANSACTION InnerTrans3"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(107,'7th Store')"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(108,'8th Store')"
      Cn.Execute "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION InnerTrans2"
      Cn.Execute "COMMIT TRANSACTION OuterMost"
      While Not rst.EOF
        Debug.Print rst(0), rst(1)
    End Sub
    Private Sub NestedTrans_Click()
      With rst
        .ActiveConnection = Cn
        .CursorType = adOpenStatic
        .Source = "select * from stores where stor_id LIKE '10%'"
      End With
      Cn.Execute "Delete from stores where stor_id LIKE  '10%'"
      ' OuterTrans
      Cn.Execute "BEGIN TRANSACTION OuterMost"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(101,'1st Store')"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(102,'2nd Store')"
      ' InnerTrans1 Transaction
       Cn.Execute "BEGIN TRANSACTION InnerTrans1"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(103,'3rd Store')"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(104,'4th Store')"
      ' InnerTrans2 Transaction
      Cn.Execute "BEGIN TRANSACTION InnerTrans2"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(105,'5th Store')"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(106,'6th Store')"
      ' InnerTrans3 Transaction
      Cn.Execute "BEGIN TRANSACTION InnerTrans3"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(107,'7th Store')"
      Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, stor_name) " & _
                 "VALUES(108,'8th Store')"
      ' Uncommit the following line to roll back the OuterTrans that rolls
      ' all nested transactions. 
      ' Cn.Execute "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION OuterMost"
      ' The following commits all nested transactions.
      Cn.Execute "COMMIT TRANSACTION OuterMost"
      While Not rst.EOF
        Debug.Print rst(0), rst(1)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
       Cn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;User ID=sa;Data " & _
               "Source=<insert your SQL Server>;database=pubs"
      Cn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    End Sub 
  6. Click on the NestedTrans command. This commits all nested transactions.

  7. Click on SavePoint command. This rolls back InnerTrans2 and InnerTrans3, getting the following results:

  8. 101 1st Store
    102 2nd Store
    103 3rd Store
    104 4th Store

© Microsoft Corporation 1999, All Rights Reserved.
Contributions by Ammar Abuthuraya, Microsoft Corporation


For additional information, please click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q177138 INFO: Nested Transactions Not Available in ODBC/OLE DB/ADO
Q224071 INFO: Understanding ADO Transactions with MS SQL Server
SQL Server Books on Line, documentation.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbADO kbADO200 kbADO201 kbADO210 kbOLEDB kbSQLServ kbSQLServ650 kbSQLServ700 kbGrpVBDB kbDSupport kbADO210sp2
Version : WINDOWS:2.0,2.01,2.1,2.1 SP1,2.1 SP2; winnt:6.5,7.0
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: January 28, 2000
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.