XFOR: DXA Generates Multiple SMTP Proxies for PCMail

ID: Q140951

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, version 4.0
  • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, version 3.x


The Microsoft Exchange DXA creates multiple SMTP proxy addresses for PC Mail addresses when using the DXA registry settings to use the Addr_map.cfg file.


The two proxies that are generated are derived from the SMTPDomain registry setting and the Addr_map.cfg file. In order to use the Addr_map.cfg file with the DXA, you need to specify a domain for the SMTPDomain registry setting. The SMTPDomain registry setting acts like a switch to enable this additional functionality.

The first proxy that will be generated uses the network/postoffice name in conjunction with the value specified for the SMTPDomain registry setting. The second proxy generated is the domain specified for the postoffice in the Addr_map.cfg file.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Exchange Server version 4.0. This problem was corrected in Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0 U.S. Service Pack 2. For information on obtaining the service pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):

With the new DXA, only the proxy(s) specified for the postoffice in the Addr_map.cfg file will be generated for the PC Mail addresses when the SMTPPrimaryProxy registry value has been set to 3. However, a value still needs to be specified for the SMTPDomain registry setting for this functionality to be enabled. The domain specified for this registry setting will not be included in the SMTP proxy that is actually generated.

Here is an example of a properly configured dirsync system:

   Registry Settings:

       SMTPDomain = xyz.com
       AddressMappingFileName = c:\exchsrvr\imcdata\addr_map.cfg
       SMTPPrimaryProxy = 3


       net1/po1 abc.com
       net2/po2 def.com

   All SMTP proxys generated by dirsync for mailboxes on net1\po1 will
   appear similar to the following:


Extra care must be used when manually editing the Addr_map.cfg file. Make sure that there is a single carriage return at the end of the Addr_map.cfg file so that the cursor is resting on a new line just below the last proxy specified in the file. The file will appear as follows in the editor where the cursor is shown as a "|":

   net1/po1 abc.com
   net2/po2 def.com 

If there are too many line feeds at the end of the Addr_map.cfg file, the DXA might not start and might give the following error:
Could not start the Microsoft Exchange Directory Synchronization service on \\WOLVERINE. Error 2140 an internal Windows NT error occurred.
If the cursor is located at the end of the previous line of the Addr_map.cfg file, the proxy addresses generated might be missing characters as follows:


In addition, the Microsoft Exchange Directory Synchronization service needs to be stopped and restarted in order for the registry and Addr_map.cfg file changes to take effect.

Keywords : kbusage kbbug4.00 kbfix4.00.sp2 XFOR
Version : 4.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: March 11, 1999
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