XFOR: IMC Queue Only Displays the First 10,000 Items
ID: Q147051
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Exchange Server, version 4.0
The Internet Mail Connector (IMC) queue pages in the Microsoft Exchange
Administrator program display only the first 10,000 messages.
This is by design. The queue list is displayed in First-In-First-Out
(FIFO) with a limit of 10,000 items.
One way to determine the number of messages in the queue is to select all
the messages and press the Delete key. In Exchange Administrator, the "Are
you sure you want to delete all <number> selected messages?" message
appears, where <number> is the total number of messages in the queue. Click
No so that you do not delete the messages.
All incoming and outgoing messages are stored in the IMCDATA\IN and
IMCDATA\OUT subdirectories under the Microsoft Exchange Server root
directory. When these messages are moved out of the queue, new messages are
added to the queue.
To determine an accurate number of incoming and outgoing messages, do the
- Run File Manager and locate the root directory of the Microsoft Exchange
- Select the IMCDATA subdirectory. Select either the IN or OUT
subdirectory (matches queue names).
- The status bar displays "Total <number> file(s)", where <number> is the
total number of files.
- Subtract the number of subdirectories from the number of files. This
results in the number of messages in the directory.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbusage XFOR
Version : winnt:4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type :