XFOR: Error Sending Mail from Exchange out an MHS Gateway

ID: Q149675

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.5


When you try to send mail out a PCMTA connector to a DOS Microsoft MHS gateway, you might receive the following error:

Your message did not reach all or some of the intended recipients.


Check the following configuration in the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program:

  1. Verify that the Address Space on the PC Mail Connector has:
       TYPE    Address                   COST
       MHS                                  1 

    If MHS is not a type, use New General to add it. Then Stop and Start the PC Mail Connector service.

  2. Verify that the Site, Configuration, Site Addressing Object, Routing Tab for the MHS address is defined properly. If it is not, go back to step one and remove and recreate the address space.

  3. Recalculate Routing on the Site, Configuration, Site Addressing Object, Routing tab.

  4. On the MS Mail connector Properties Connections tab, verify that the Access component is hanging off the gateway PO. If it is there, but is not shown under the gateway MS Mail PO, remove the access component from the connector PO and reinstall it, so that it is pointing to the MS Mail gateway PO.

Additional query words:

Keywords : XFOR
Version : winnt:4.0,5.0,5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: March 20, 1999
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