XCLN: Newprof Can Tell New Profiles to Deliver Mail to PST
ID: Q149852
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Exchange Windows 3.x client, versions 4.0, 5.0
Microsoft Exchange Windows NT client, versions 4.0, 5.0
Microsoft Exchange Windows 95/98 client, versions 4.0, 5.0
The Microsoft Exchange Automatic Profile Generator (Newprof.exe) reads a
Profile Descriptor File (.Prf) and creates a profile based on the
information in this file.
This article describes the changes that need to be made to the Default.prf
file, present in the client installation directory, in order to create a
profile with the default delivery location set to a local PST file. If the
Default.prf is not present in the client installation directory, run the
Microsoft Exchange Setup Editor.
After the Default.prf file is modified with the changes outlined in this
article, when users run the Microsoft Exchange Client Setup program, a
profile will be automatically created for them and this profile will have
PST file which will be set as the default delivery store.
In order to set a local PST file as the default delivery location for a
profile, follow the steps below:
- Edit the Default.prf file on the client installation share point.
- Search for the [Service List] section which lists all the services to
added to the profile.
- Look for an entry with the value Personal Folders. If it is present,
note the entry name. For example if the entry was:
Service2 = Personal Folders
The entry name is Service2.
- If an entry with the value of Personal Folders is not present, add a
entry to the [Service List] section with Service2. If Service2 was
taken with another service, make sure to change that service to the
available service entry. So, if the Microsoft Exchange Server was
modify Microsoft Exchange Server to the next available Service entry.
For Example, if the last entry in the section has the name Service3,
the next available entry will be Service4. Add the following lines to
Service2 = Personal Folders
Service4 = Microsoft Exchange Server
- In the Default.prf file, search for the [General] section. Make sure
following line is present in the [General] section:
DefaultStore= Service2
- Add the following section:
PathToPersonalFolders= c:\exchange\mailbox.pst
After making the changes outlined above, the Default.prf in the client
installation share point should have the following sections:
; ***********************************
; Section 1 - Profile defaults.
ProfileName=Delivery to Local PST
; *************************************
; *************************************
; *************************************
; Section 2 - Services and clients in profile.
[Service List]
Service1=Microsoft Exchange Client
Service2=Personal Folders
Service3=Personal Address Book
Service4=Microsoft Exchange Server
; *************************************
; *************************************
; *************************************
; Section 3 - Default values for each service and client.
; *************************************
After the above changes have been made to the Default.prf file in the
client installation directory, users will have to run the Microsoft
Exchange Client Setup program for the profile to be automatically
generated. This profile should have the file Exchange\Mailbox.pst set as
the default delivery store.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbusage XCLN
Version : WINDOWS:4.0,5.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :