XCLN: Distributing Third-Party OCXs & VBXs with Eform .cfg File
ID: Q154473
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Exchange Windows 95/98 client, versions 4.0, 5.0
Microsoft Exchange Windows 3.x client, versions 4.0, 5.0
Microsoft Exchange Windows NT client, versions 4.0, 5.0
If you add a custom control to a form that is not included with Visual
Basic 4.0, this file has to be manually copied to the client computer. As
stated in the "Application Designer's Guide" on page 302, you can
distribute third-party .ocx and .vbx files by using Microsoft Systems
Management Server or other network management tools. You can also
accomplish this by adding the custom .ocx or .vbx file to the .cfg file of
the Eform.
To distribute third-party .ocx and .vbx files, make an entry in the .cfg
file as follows:
- Open the EForms's .CFG file in Notepad.
- If you want this control to be copied for all platforms, add the entry
listed below to the [Platform.Platform1] section and use the LinkTo=
entry to link all the other platforms to the first platform.
Add the following entry to the platform section:
File#= <CustomControlFileName>.OCX
The file number is based on how many other File entries are present.
- Make sure that the .ocx or the .vbx file that is referenced in the
File= line is present in the .VB directory of the EForm (Eform.vb). If
it is not present, you will receive an error when trying to install the
Eform using the .cfg file.
- Save the EForm's .cfg file.
- Install the EForm from the client using the EForm's .cfg file.
When the user installs the EForm, the files listed on the File= lines will
also be copied to the user's machine. These files will be copied to the
<Windows Directory>\Forms directory, along with the form executable files.
This should be fine for most executable files, but if a custom control
needs its files in the System subdirectory, they will have to be manually
copied to the system directory.
This is an example:
File2=<CustomControlFileName>.OCX or .VBX <- This is the Control that is
to be copied to the <Windows Directory>\Forms directory.
LinkTo=Platform1 <- With this entry, you do not have the files entries to
every platform configuration.
NOTE: These FILE= references can also be used for any other file that may
need to be copied with the EForm executable files. For instance, any .ini
files or any other supporting files can be added in this manner.
For additional Information about the EForm Configuration File, please refer
to Chapter 9, pages 297-302 and Appendix B, pages 363-371 of the Application Designer's Guide.
Additional query words:
forms E-form electronic
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbinterop kbusage XCLN
Version : WINDOWS:4.0,5.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto