The information in this article applies to:
IMPORTANT: This article contains information about editing the registry. Before you edit the registry, make sure you understand how to restore it if a problem occurs. For information about how to do this, view the "Restoring the Registry" Help topic in Regedit.exe or the "Restoring a Registry Key" Help topic in Regedt32.exe. SUMMARYHow Exchange Server Uses RPCExchange Server uses remote procedure call (RPC) built into Microsoft Windows NT to establish connections among the Exchange Server processes, such as connections between Exchange Server message transfer agents (MTAs), and to connect Exchange Clients and Exchange Server computers in the network. Exchange Server can use RPC over named pipes, TCP/IP, NetBIOS, and IPX/SPX. When it uses RPC, Exchange Server proceeds through a list of those protocols and tries to establish RPC binding. The preference order of the transports is defined by the RPC Binding Order, which by default is: local RPC, TCP/IP, SPX, named pipes, and then NetBIOS (in order of preference).Changing the RPC Protocol Binding OrderThe default RPC protocol binding order is set when an Exchange Client is installed. This setting determines the protocol sequence that the client uses to communicate with Exchange Server. You can change the RPC binding order before or after the client is installed. You can improve performance by changing the RPC binding order if the client uses multiple protocols or if the single protocol your client uses is not the first listed in the RPC binding order. If the protocol that the Exchange Client uses is last in the sequence, the client attempts to bind over the protocols listed before that protocol when it connects to the server. The protocols are represented in the binding order, using the following entries. The string ncacn refers to Network Computing Architecture Connection.
For example, the following entry attempts to establish connections over
SPX, TCP/IP, and NetBIOS, in that order.
Clients Running Windows 95, Windows NT Server, and Windows NT WorkstationBy default, the Exchange Client uses the following RPC binding order for Windows 95, Windows NT Server, and Windows NT Workstation when it connects to an Exchange Server computer.
Before installation: In Setup Editor, select the Binding Order property page.After installation: Use the Registry Editor to modify the binding order. Clients Running Windows and Windows for WorkgroupsBy default, the Exchange Client uses the following RPC binding order for Windows for Workgroups when it connects to an Exchange Server computer.
Before installation: In Setup Editor, select the Binding Order property page.After installation: In the Exchng.ini file in the Windows folder, edit the [Exchange Provider] section. For example, the following entry in the Exchng.ini file establishes SPX, TCP/IP, and NetBIOS connections in the order indicated: Clients Running MS-DOSBy default, the Exchange Client uses the following RPC binding order for MS-DOS when it connects to an Exchange Server computer.
You do not need to restart the computer after you modify the
Exchange binding order. The Exchange Client rereads the
binding when it restarts. For troubleshooting purposes, simply change the
binding order in the registry (make sure the key has been fully committed
to the registry), and then perform a check names from the properties for
the Exchange Server service (in Control Panel, double-click Mail). You do not even need to quit the Registry Editor when you try different bindings.
If you delete the entire RPC_binding_Order subkey, the Exchange Client uses the default binding order. This may be a good quick troubleshooting step if you have concerns about incorrect entries in the binding order. The information in this article came from the Exchange Server Resource Kit on TechNet, and from other sources. For additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q136516 XCLN: Improving Windows Client Startup Times Additional query words: Exchange provider EXCHNG.INI XCLN XADM exclnfaq outlook
Keywords : kbsetup kbusage XGEN exc4 exc5 exc55 |
Last Reviewed: November 5, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |