XCON: Message Text Word Wrap Not Always Working on X.400 connecti

ID: Q164865

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.5


After you set the maximum column size on the Message-Text Word Wrap settings on the General tab of the X.400 Connector property dialog box, messages sent from downstream X.400 connections may not follow the setting and instead send message text in the default 80 columns.

This problem will not be seen from downstream Microsoft Exchange Server computers connected via Site Connectors.


When Exchange Server routes a message over a local X.400 connector, the message is converted to the X.400 format based on settings of the local X.400 connector. When this message is passed to a server with Message Text Word Wrap settings, the message is merely relayed but the existing contents are not reconverted.


To force the Exchange Server with the Message Text Word Wrap setting enabled on its X.400 Connector to convert the message to the proper format:

  1. In the message transfer agent (MTA) properties for that server, select the Convert Incoming Contents to MS Exchange Format check box.

  2. Restart the MTA for this change to take effect.

This setting will make the Exchange Server convert all inbound X.400 messages to the internal Exchange Server format. Then, when the message is to be routed out the target X.400 connector with the word wrap settings, it is reconverted back to the X.400 format based on new parameters.

Additional query words: x400 p1 p2

Keywords : kbtshoot kbusage XCON exc4 exc5 exc55
Version : winnt:4.0,5.0,5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: December 20, 1999
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