XFOR: cc:Mail Connector Event ID 70
ID: Q166045
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.0
When you run the Microsoft Exchange Server Connector for Lotus cc:Mail, the
following error message may appear in the event log:
Event ID:70
Lotus cc:Mail EXPORT to file msgxxxx.ccm returned result code 3. The
Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus cc:Mail has not been configured
correctly or the Post Office it is configured to connect to is not
accessible at this time.
In this example, in the file ID, "xxxx" stands for a sequentially generated
hexadecimal ID number.
The generation of this message may also be a reason why mail is not flowing
from cc:Mail to Exchange Server, and may keep the directory synchronization
(dirsync) process from completing.
This is a generic error message from the cc:Mail Export program. This error
message is generated by the cc:Mail Export program and the connector is
only displaying it in the Event log. There are several reason why this
error message may be generated:
- The Postoffice tab on the cc:Mail connector has invalid information.
- The Exchange service account does not have access to the cc:Mail
- The cc:Mail postoffice is fragmented and/or damaged.
- Exchange Server has been installed to a directory path that has a space
in it.
For additional information on this issue, please see the following
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
XFOR: CCMC Stops Responding
- Dirsync has not run and successfully completed against this cc:Mail
NOTE: The error occurs every time the service is started until dirsync
successfully completes.
To resolve this problem, do one of the following:
- Ensure that the cc:Mail connector Postoffice tab is correctly
configured. Refer to the Exchange 5.0 "What's New Guide" to for more
NOTE: Also ensure that the correct cc:Mail Postoffice password is being
- If the cc:Mail Postoffice is on a Windows NT Server, follow normal
access right troubleshooting procedures to correct the problem. If the
cc:Mail Postoffice is on a NetWare server, ensure that Gateway Services
for NetWare (GSNW) is configured correctly. There are several resources
available to you to do this:
- See Section 2.6.6. in the Readme.wri document that ships with the
Exchange Server 5.0. Readme.wri is located at the root of the
Exchange Server CD.
- Refer to the Windows NT online documentation.
For additional information on this issue, please see the following
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
XFOR: Connecting the cc:MC to a cc:Mail PO on a NetWare Server
- Have the cc:Mail Administrator perform routine maintenance against
the postoffice.
The ccMail Administrator can run the following utilities to fix
fragmentation and corruption in the ccMail Postoffice: Analyze,
Chkstat and Reclaim. The administrator should run the Analyze utility
after every time the Chkstat and Reclaim utilities have been run to
ensure that all corruption has been fixed.
- Ignore this error message until the first dirsync cycle with the cc:Mail
postoffice has completed. This error message appears because the Export
utility is trying to Export information from a postoffice definition
that does not yet exist.
For more information on the cc:Mail utilities, Analyze, Chkstat and
Reclaim, refer to the cc:Mail documentation or contact Lotus technical
cc:Mail is manufactured by Lotus, a vendor independent of Microsoft; we
make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's
performance or reliability.
Additional query words:
CCMC Novell 3.1x 4.x
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbusage XFOR
Version : winnt:5.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type :