XFOR: MS Mail Migration Stops with Event ID 7000 and 7007

ID: Q168606

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.5


When you migrate Microsoft Mail users to Microsoft Exchange Server, the following Event IDs may occur:

   Event ID:   7000
   Source:  MSExchangeMig
   Type: Error
   Category:   None
   Could not migrate PAB file for account: <user id>. PAB (MMF)Path '<path
   to mmf file>'.

   Event ID:   7007
   Source:  MSExchangeMig
   Type: Error
   Category:   None
   Could not migrate MMF file for Account: <user account>. MMF Path '<path
   to MMF file>'. 


These events usually occur when the user being migrated has the Microsoft Mail Windows client open; this locks the mail message file (MMF) located on the Microsoft Mail postoffice.

These events can also occur if the password written to the mail message file (MMF) is different than the account password on the Microsoft Mail Post Office.

Note: This situation can occur if the Mail Administrator recovers the user's password and performs a migration before the user logs into the Microsoft Mail client to synchronize the mmf password to the recovered password on the Post Office.


To resolve this problem:

  • Ensure all users being migrated have logged off the Microsoft Mail client prior to migration.

  • Ensure all users that have had their password recovered by the Microsoft Mail Administrator program have logged on and off the Microsoft Mail client prior to migration to ensure the password on the mmf is synch- ronized to the recovered password on the Post Office.

Additional query words: fail

Keywords : kbusage XFOR exc4 exc5 exc55
Version : winnt:4.0,5.0,5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: December 17, 1999
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