XFOR: 4037 Event Starting Internet Mail Service, 1067 Error Starting IMC
ID: Q168883
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.5
The Internet Mail Service (or Internet Mail Connector, in version 4.0)
stops responding and cannot be restarted. If you attempt to start it
manually or run the Internet Mail Wizard, an event similar to the following
is logged in the Windows NT Event Viewer application event log:
Event ID: 4037
Type: Error
Source: MSExchangeIMC
Category: Internal Processing
Description: An exception has occurred which was handled internally by
the Internet Mail Service. This may have resulted in a message not being
If you attempt to start the Internet Mail Connector, the following
error message is also displayed:
Could not start the Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Connector service
on \\<servername>.
Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.
If you attempt to stop the Internet Mail Service, you find that the
Stop button is unavailable.
This problem may result from a corrupt message in the Exchange Server
directory (the Imcdata\In or IMCdata\Out directories). Resolving this condition is
the subject of this article.
The same error and symptom may result from a corrupted message in the message transfer agent (MTA)
store. For more information, see the "More Information" section of this article.
To resolve this problem:
- Stop the Internet Mail Service using the Kill.exe file or the Tlist utility from the Windows
NT Resource Kit or BackOffice Resource Kit. The IMC service should be displayed as stopped in Control Panel when you double-click Services.
- Create two sub-directories called Temp under the Imcdata\In and Imcdata\Out directories.
- Move all the files from the Imcdata\In directory to the Imcdata\In\Temp directory and from the Imcdata\Out directory to the Imcdata\Out\Temp directory.
- Delete the Imcdata\queue.dat file.
- Restart the Internet Mail Service. If it starts and stays on, test the
normal operation, and then move to step 7.
- If the IMC stops again, the corrupt message is not in the directory, but
rather in the MTA store, and you have to follow the steps in the
articles referenced in the "More Information" section of this article.
- Move 50 percent of the messages from the Imcdata\In\Temp directory to the Imcdata\In directory
and from the Imcdata\Out\Temp directory to the Imcdata\Out directory. Delete the Queue.dat file, and then
stop the Internet Mail Service and restart it. If this process is
successful, repeat it until you find the bad messages and move all the
good messages out.
NOTE: Another method to find the bad message is to move all the files
from the Imcdata\In directory to the Imcdata\In\Temp directory and from the Out directory to the Out\Temp directory, when the IMC
is still in the locked state. You may receive a message that a certain file
cannot be moved because it is in use. This file is most probably the
corrupt file, and the IMC crashed while trying to process it.
The same error message and symptom may result from a corrupted message in the MTA
For additional information about troubleshooting a corrupted message in the
MTA store, click the article numbers below
to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q165505 XADM: How to View/Delete Messages in MTS-IN and MTS-OUT Queues
Q157323 XCON: Identifying and/or Reconstructing a Connector Queue
Additional query words:
dr. watson
Keywords : kbtshoot kbusage XFOR exc4 exc5 exc55
Version : winnt:4.0,5.0,5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb