XADM: How to Complete Edbutil Terminated with Error -1808
ID: Q170491
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 4.0, 5.0
CAUTION: This article contains information about the Microsoft Exchange
database utility (edbutil /d /r). Using it incorrectly can cause problems.
Before you run this utility, you should first make a backup copy of the
database files. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the
use of the utility can be solved. Use this tool at your own risk.
When you run the command line utility Edbutil with the defragmentation
option (/d) and the repair option (/r) on the private information store, it
might fail to complete and you receive one of the following errors:
Edbutil terminated with error -1808
Error -1808 (0xfffff8f0) JET_errDiskFull 4294965488
The following event is written in the event viewer:
Event ID: 1005
Source: MSExchangeSA
Category: Monitoring
Description: Unexpected error <<0xc0040000 - The Microsoft Exchange
Server computer is not available. Either there are network problems or
the Microsoft Exchange Server computer is down for maintenance.
Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store ID no:
8004011d-0524-00000000>> occurred.
When you check the amount of free disk space on the drive that hosts the
Exchange Bin directory (on drive C, for example), you may find only a few
megabytes of disk space available. The drive that hosts the Exchange
databases (drive D, for example) may have plenty of free disk space.
The following steps explain how to complete Edbutil /d /r in this case:
- Check the size of the C:\Exchsrvr\Bin\Tempdfrag.edb file. You will find
that its size is smaller than the size of the Priv.edb file. Delete the
C:\Exchsrvr\Bin\Tempdfrag.edb file.
- If the free disk space on drive D is only slightly greater than 1.2
times the size of the Priv.edb file, create a new directory
D:\Exchsrvr\Bin and copy the Edbutil.exe and Edb.dll files from
C:\Exchsrvr\Bin to the new directory.
If the free disk space on drive D is greater than 1.2 times the size of
Priv.edb file by more than 38 MB, copy the C:\Exchsrvr\Bin directory to
If the free disk space on drive D is less than 1.2 times the size of the
Priv.edb file, refer to the MORE INFORMATION section of this article.
- Run the following command:
d:\exchsrvr\bin\edbutil /d /r /ispriv
It should start creating the temp file Tempdfrag.edb on D:\Exchsrvr\Bin,
and should complete successfully if the only problem was insufficient
disk space.
- After Edbutil completes successfully you can delete the D:\Exchsrvr\Bin
directory to free the 37.4 MB of disk space.
Information about the options that you can use with the Edbutil command
line utility is available. For additional information about this utility,
please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
XADM: Command-Line Parameters for Edbutil.exe
If the information store fails to start because there is insufficient disk
space (which might produce the same error ID -1808), you can attempt to
reclaim disk space. For additional information about using Windows NT
Performance Monitor to track disk space and reclaim it, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
XADM: Reclaiming Disk Space for the Information Store
Keywords : XADM
Version : Windows:4.0,5.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb