XCLN: Err Msg: Upload of Offline Changes Could Not Be Completed

ID: Q171030

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Windows 95/98 client, versions 4.0, 5.0
  • Microsoft Exchange Windows NT client, versions 4.0, 5.0
  • Microsoft Outlook Windows 95/98 client, versions 8.00, 8.01, 8.02, 8.03
  • Microsoft Outlook Windows NT client, versions 8.00, 8.01, 8.02, 8.03


You may receive the following error message when starting the Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Outlook client:

Upload of offline changes could not be completed. You do not have
sufficient permission to perform this operation on this object. See the
folder contact or your system administrator.
In addition, you may receive the following error message while attempting to synchronize offline folders:
Synchronization with the offline folder file could not be completed. You
do not have sufficient permission to perform this operation on this
In some cases, the All Folders and This Folder menu options may appear to be disabled under Synchronize on the Tools menu.


There are two possible causes of this behavior, both of which relate to older versions of dynamic-link library (DLL) files on the system:

  1. A Typical or Custom installation of Microsoft Office 97 or Microsoft Outlook 97 was performed over a previous installation of the Microsoft Exchange 4.0 client. In a Typical installation, the Microsoft Exchange Server Support component, which includes updated files, is not installed. It is also possible that this component may not be installed during a Custom installation, depending on whether the user selected that component.

  2. Setup failed to update the appropriate files because the file dates were later than those being installed by the Setup program. This can occur in situations where the files were manually copied to the hard disk drive. This causes their creation date to be the date they were copied. Image installs are another possible reason for incorrect file dates.


In either of these situations, you must update the appropriate version of the DLL files in order to correct this behavior. The preferred method of updating these files is to add the Microsoft Exchange Server Support component via the Office 97 or Microsoft Outlook Setup program. This can be done with the following steps.

NOTE: It may be necessary to rename the following files before continuing, so that the Setup program is able to copy the newer versions to the Windows\System folder:

  • Emsabp32.dll

  • Emsmdb32.dll

  • Emsui32.dll

  1. Run the Microsoft Office 97 or Microsoft Outlook 97 Setup program.

  2. Choose the Add/Remove option.

  3. If you are using the Microsoft Office 97 Setup program, select the Microsoft Outlook component, and then click the Change Option button.

  4. Enable the Microsoft Exchange Server Support component.

    NOTE: If it is already enabled, disable it, complete the Setup program, run Setup again, and add it back.

  5. Complete the Microsoft Office or Microsoft Outlook Setup.

If the problem still occurs, you may need to remove and reinstall your Exchange or Outlook client. Note that if Windows Messaging is currently installed on your computer, you should remove it before reinstalling the Exchange or Outlook client. To determine if Windows Messaging is installed, in Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs, and then view the list of installed programs.

Additional query words: ol97

Keywords : kbusage XCLN
Version : 4.00,5.00,8.00,8.01,8.02,8.03
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: April 15, 1999
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