The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSPOP3 users are unable to log on to a Microsoft Exchange Server computer. When the logon attempt fails, an event 11202 is logged in the application event log. CAUSE
This problem occurs when the Microsoft Exchange Server service account does
not have the <Act as part of the operating system> Windows NT user right.
This only happens if the client tries to use basic (clear text)
You can use telnet to verify that the Microsoft Exchange Server service
account is missing the <Act as part of the operating system> right. To test
this with telnet, perform the following steps:
The sample telnet session below demonstrates how to verify that the
Microsoft Exchange Server computer is missing the required right. In this
sample, lines starting with S> are sent by the server and lines starting
with C> were sent by the client (telnet).
If the Microsoft Exchange Server service account does not have the <Act as
part of the operating system> user right, an error will be returned after
the PASS command.
To grant the appropriate right to the Microsoft Exchange Server service
account, perform the following steps:
Keywords : kbusage XFOR |
Last Reviewed: April 15, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |