XFOR: Incorrect Character Mappings when MSFS32.DLL Does not Match

ID: Q174153

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5


When migrating data from a localized version of Microsoft Mail for PC Networks to Microsoft Exchange Server, some characters may not be mapped correctly.


The Microsoft Mail (PC) migration component of the Migration Wizard accesses the postoffice by using the Microsoft Mail Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) service. The Migration Wizard includes the version of the Microsoft Mail MAPI service for the appropriate server language: U.S., French, German, or Japanese. The Microsoft Mail MAPI service assumes the postoffice is in the default code page for that language. For French, German, and U.S., this is code page 850. For Japanese, this is code page 932. If the postoffice uses a different code page, some non-7 bit ASCII characters will be mapped incorrectly during migration because the characters are actually in one code page but assumed to be in another.


To resolve this problem, you must use the localized version of the Microsoft Mail MAPI service that matches the language of the postoffice (Microsoft Mail for PC Networks 3.x) from which you are migrating. For example, if you want to migrate a Swedish postoffice to a computer running an English version of the Administrator program, first copy the Swedish Microsoft Mail Msfs32.dll file in the Windows\System32 directory over the English Msfs32.dll file prior to running the Migration Wizard. This prevents the message subject from being truncated to 40 characters.

For Far East postoffices, the DBCS-enabled Microsoft Mail MAPI service gathers its settings from the Windows NT environment. Therefore, to migrate a Korean postoffice, install the Migration Wizard on a Korean Windows NT computer.

The following lists the postoffice code pages and the corresponding Windows NT code pages the data is translated into.

Language               Postoffice  Windows NT
Chinese (Simplified)   936          936
Chinese (Traditional)  950          950
Czech                  852         1250
Danish                 850         1252
Dutch                  850         1252
English                850         1252
Finnish                850         1252
French                 850         1252
German                 850         1252
Greece                 737         1252
Hungarian              852         1250
Italian                850         1252
Japanese (3.0)         932          932
Japanese               932          932
Korean                 949          949
Norwegian              850         1252
Polish                 852         1250
Portuguese             850         1252
Russian                866         1251
Spanish                850         1252
Swedish                850         1252
Turkey                 737         1252 

Additional query words: migwiz sfs jpn ger fre usa codepage

Keywords : XADM XCON
Version : winnt:5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: December 15, 1999
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