XCLN: Exchange Client Top Support Issues and KB Articles

ID: Q175698

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Active Server Components, version 5.0
  • Microsoft Exchange Macintosh client, versions 4.0, 5.0
  • Microsoft Exchange MS-DOS client, versions 4.0, 5.0
  • Microsoft Exchange Windows 3.x client, versions 4.0, 5.0
  • Microsoft Exchange Windows 95/98 client, versions 4.0, 5.0
  • Microsoft Exchange Windows NT client, versions 4.0, 5.0
  • Microsoft Outlook for Macintosh, Exchange Server Edition, version 8.0
  • Microsoft Outlook for Windows 3.x, Exchange Server Edition, version 8.0
  • Microsoft Outlook Web Access, version 5.5
  • Microsoft Outlook Web Access, version 5.5 Service Pack 1
  • Microsoft Outlook Windows 95/98 client, versions 8.0, 8.01, 8.02, 8.03, 8.5
  • Microsoft Outlook Windows NT client, versions 8.0, 8.01, 8.02, 8.03, 8.5


Listed below are the top issues for the Microsoft Exchange Client Support Team and troubleshooting information relevant to resolving the issues as of May 1999.


Outook Web Acces (OWA) client keeps prompting with the Logon.asp when I try to open messages in the OWA client.

Q216998 XWEB: OWA Logon Screen Displays Again When Opening a Mail Message

My Outlook/Exchange Client cannot connect to the Exchange Server computer.

Q155048 XCLN: Troubleshooting Startup of Windows Client Using TCP/IP
Q162544 Troubleshooting Remote Function of Exchange and Schedule+
Q174701 XCLN: Troubleshooting RPC Problems for Exchange Clients

Getting syncgronization errors 80070005-508-0-324 or 80070005-508-0-322 when trying to synchronize an OST file.

Q221238 XADM: OST Sync Fails with 80070005-508-00-324

OWA "ASP0115" errors in the browser.

NOTE: For this problem, it is best to install Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 2 (SP2). All of the hotfixes listed in the following articles are included in SP2.
Q184841 XWEB: OWA Add-in Component for IIS May Cause Heap Corruption
Q196670 XWEB: OWA Causes an Access Violation in MAPI
Q193557 BUG: Outlook Web Access Stops on Corrupt Calendar Data
Q193260 XADM: OWA Stops when Replying to Message with Inline Image
Q193675 XWEB: Bad Error Handling in CfolderRender::put_DataSource Causes OWA to Crash
OWA troubleshooter on the Microsoft Web site:

Opening items or folders in OWA keeps giving me "Unable to Render View."

Q184304 XWEB: Outlook Web Access Error Message: Unable to Render View
Q178154 XWEB: Err Msg: Unable to Render This view424Object Required
OWA troubleshooter on the Microsoft Web site:

How can I prevent the Internet Explorer icons from showing up on the desktop with my ODK package?

Q189729 OL98: ODK: How to Remove the Outlook Express Icon Using ODK
ODK documentation:

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) connectivity to Exchange Server issues: starting the Outlook/Exchange Client is slow or does not connect successfully.

Q162544 Troubleshooting Remote Function of Exchange and Schedule+
Q174701 XCLN: Troubleshooting RPC Problems for Exchange Clients
Q163576 XGEN: Changing the RPC Binding Order
Q155048 XCLN: Troubleshooting Startup of Windows Client Using TCP/IP
Q167260 XCLN: How to Use RPCPing to Test RPC Communication
Q152344 XCLN: Winsock Application Starts When Exchange Client Starts
Q149596 XCLN: Configuring Mac Client for TCP/IP
Q166665 XCLN: Troubleshooting AppleTalk Connection

Calendaring issues: resource accounts not booking meetings; calendars not displaying/updating any Free/Busy information for a user; and problems importing calendar data.

Q180424 OL98: (CW) Direct Booking of Resource Without a Delegate Account
Q178351 OL97: Automatic Resource Booking Available with Sample Scripts
Q180179 OL98: New Calendar Has Bold Days with No Appointments
Q182112 OL98: Additional Command-Line Switches
Q180441 OL98: Error Importing Schedule+ 1.0 (.cal) Files to Outlook
Q181405 OL98: Converting Schedule+ Files
Q162990 OL97: Troubleshooting Schedule+ Import Problems

Remote connectivity issues: connecting to the Exchange Server over a firewall; using PPTP; or getting errors when trying to use Outlook/Exchange Client over RAS.

Q155831 XADM: Setting TCP/IP Ports for Exchange and Outlook Client Connections Through a Firewall
Q148732 XADM: Setting TCP/IP Port Numbers for Internet Firewalls
Q189595 PPTP Performance and Security Upgrade for WinNT 4.0 Release Notes
Q189594 RRAS Upgrade for WinNT Server 4.0 Hotfix Pack 3.0 Release Notes
Q180979 OL97: Using Outlook with a PPTP Connection
Q163330 XCLN: Using Open Transport 1.1.2 and MacPPP for the Mac Client

Using OWA through Proxy Server.

Q207655 XWEB: Setting Up Web Publishing and OWA Access Through a Proxy
Q198509 XWEB: 'Unable to get your inbox' Using OWA via Proxy Server
Q187650 Error: 'Server Returned Invalid or Unrecognized Response'

Additional query words: query Kb hot topics hits faq exclnfaqold

Keywords : XCLN
Version : MACINTOSH:8.0; MS-DOS:4.0,5.0; WINDOWS:4.0,5.0,5.5,8.0,8.01,8.02,8.03,8.5
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: December 23, 1999
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