XWEB: Permissions Required for Outlook Web Access

ID: Q175892

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Outlook Web Access, version 5.5


When you are running Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.5 with the Outlook Web Access (OWA) component, various permissions need to be set for OWA to work properly. This article defines those Exchange Server and Windows NT permissions.


Outlook Web Access uses the Microsoft Internet Information Server with Active Server Pages to grant users access to their mailbox and calendar through a Web browser. There are three areas of permissions to be set up to make this work correctly:

  • Everyone in the Windows NT domain. Everyone must be granted "Access this computer from the network" and "Log on locally" permissions through User Manager for Domains. Everyone also requires Search permission at the Exchange Site Container.

    NOTE: Exchange search permissions for everyone and the annonymous account only need to be set if search permission are used in you organization at or below the site container level. If search permissions are not being used, do not set this property, because it may have adverse side effects on Directory Access.

    Please refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base or your Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator's Guide for additional information regarding the Exchange Search permission.

  • Directory Anonymous Account. The Anonymous account is specified at the Directory Site Configuration object on the General page. This account must have Search permissions at the Exchange Configuration container. However, DO NOT add search permissions for this account at the Directory Site Configuration or at the Site Container. These permissions are granted by default. Adding Search permissions will cause problems on directory access for other recipients.

  • The account used by the Internet Information Service (IIS). This account must have "Log on locally" and "Access this computer from the network" rights specified. IIS must be configured to allow Anonymous logon, and Basic (Clear Text) should be set as the authentication method.

  • Verify that the permissions on the Exchsrvr/Webdata directory and all of its sub-directories are set to READ and that the permissions on the Exchsrvr/Webtemp directory and all of its sub-directories are set to CHANGE.

Additional query words: exfaqold

Keywords : kbusage XCLN XWEB
Version : WinNT:5.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: March 12, 1999
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