XADM: Recovering Deleted Items from a Public Folder

ID: Q180117

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5


You can recover deleted items from a public folder in much the same way that you recover deleted items from your private mailbox. Even though item recovery may be enabled and working successfully for your mailbox, it may not be enabled for any public folders you may have rights to.

When you delete an item in a public folder, the item itself is not "hidden" and moved to the Deleted items folder as you may expect from the behavior exhibited by the private mailbox. The item itself is deleted "in place." It is merely hidden and remains in the public folder for the allotted interval of time set by the administrator for deleted items.


To successfully recover deleted items from a public folder, the following must done:

  1. The Exchange Server administrator must enable recovery for the public information store. This must be enabled separately from the item recovery settings on the private information store. To enable recovery for the public information store:

    1. In the Exchange Server Administrator program, select the public information store to highlight it.

    2. On the File menu, click Properties, and change the Item Recovery settings to something other than zero.

  2. Recovery must be enabled on the server that hosts the replica you are connected to. Recovery may be enabled on one replica server, but not necessarily the one to which you are connected.

  3. To recover the deleted item you must have full read/write/delete permissions on the public folder. To do this, set permissions on the folder to Editor.

Now you can successfully recover items:

  1. Select the public folder from which the item was deleted.

  2. On the Tools menu in the Outlook client, click Recover Deleted Items.

Keywords : kbusage XCLN
Version : WINDOWS:5.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: March 26, 1999
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