XADM: Exchange Server Setup Stops Responding With 0xc002041d
ID: Q182513
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5
When you attempt to start services, the Microsoft Exchange Server Setup
program stops responding and the following error message is displayed:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely
fashion 0xc002041d.
The following error message is logged in the Windows NT Event Viewer application event log:
Event ID: 1166
Source: MSExchangeDS
Type: Information
Category: Internal Processing
Error 1 has occurred (Internal ID 30D0168). Contact Microsoft Technical
Support for assistance.
There may be multiple causes for this error.
- The system date is incorrect and set to a year beyond 2038.
- Anti-virus software has been installed before an Exchange Server installation.
- A later version of Web browser than the version that ships with Windows NT 4.0 is not installed.
- You are not logged in using the Exchange Server service account.
To work around the problem:
- Change the system date to the correct date and time, and re-run the Setup
For additional information, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q154595 XADM: Directory Won't Start if System Date Later Than 2038
- Uninstall the anti-virus software, and then perform an upgrade/installation. If you disable the
services, it is not sufficient. Reinstall the anti-virus software after the installation.
Additional query words:
Keywords : XADM exc55
Version : winnt:5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb