XADM: Slow Client Performance While Performing Store Operations

ID: Q183924

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.5


When you try to perform client functions related to the information store, such as opening a message, sending a message, opening a folder, and so on, you may experience long delays. There will be no errors in the application event log, and performance monitoring will not reflect any problem with Exchange Server.


Either the Exchange Server information store is not optimally configured, or the Limit memory usage to... option has been selected in the Exchange Optimizer and has been set too low.


To work around this problem, run the Exchange Optimizer to optimally configure the Exchange Server computer, information store, and directory services.


The symptoms above are generally related to the number (#) of information store buffers being set too low. This condition is corrected either by running the Exchange Optimizer or by removing the Limit Memory option in the Exchange Optimizer.

The Exchange Optimizer creates a log file (in text format) called Perfopt.log, which is found in the <winnt root>\system32 directory.

The Perfopt.log file contains statistics from each optimization and appends to itself; therefore the last optimization log will be at the bottom of this file.

The following is an example of a re-optimized information store that corrected slow client problems. The Perfopt.log file will include similar information regarding the information store buffer change:

Set # of information store buffers from 463 to 8078
Set # of directory buffers from 394 to 6882

Additional query words: hangs hang hourglass performance

Keywords : kbusage XADM
Version : WINDOWS:4.0,5.0,5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: April 7, 1999
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