XFOR: INS Error Msg.: 502 You Have No Permission to Talk

ID: Q186741

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5



To prevent unauthorized access to their NNTP servers, Internet Service Providers often restrict logon attempts to their own network or to a group of IP addresses.

You may not see this error message unless you manually telnet to port 119 of an NNTP server for troubleshooting reasons. The telnet dialog box looks something similar to the following:

502 You have no permission to talk, Goodbye
Connection closed by foreign host.


When you set up the Internet News Service for Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5, and you attempt to connect to another host Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) server, the following error message may appear:

502 You Have No Permission to Talk


This error can occur if you try to connect to a host server that does not allow access from your IP address.

This is a security measure that allows Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to restrict access to their NNTP server.


If you are setting up a new connection with an NNTP server, your ISP needs to include the IP address (or range of addresses) of your Exchange Server computer, explicitly in order to allow you to connect.

If you do not have a static IP address (or a range of addresses) that can be included on your newsfeed server's authorized pool for incoming connections, then you may need to set up a secure connection using a logon name and password.

To select a secure outbound connection, click the Security tab IN the newsfeed object in the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program.

Additional query words: news, usenet

Keywords : XFOR
Version : Winnt:5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: April 23, 1999
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