XADM: Deleted Directory Objects Remain Deleted

ID: Q188645

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.5


Directory replication transactions are static. After an object is deleted, it remains deleted. For example, if you delete a server from a site and then later re-introduce the server, the deleted items will not be recovered from that server.

This behavior is by design. An example can be seen if a server is deleted from a site and then reintroduced into the site. If you restore a directory on the server that is re-joining the site, its server objects will not be available.

Even though the objects are present in the restored directory, the replication transaction from when the server was deleted overrides and deletes the objects.

The objects must be recreated with a newer transaction date in order to be available in the site.

You can recreate deleted objects manually through the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program or, in the case of mailbox objects, by using the Directory Import feature.

If a disaster recovery computer is available and isolated from the site, you can restore the directory and use Directory Export to make a CSV file. This CSV file can then be used to import the objects on the production server.

For more information about directory import and export, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q155414, "XADM: Bulk Import/Export FAQ."


Objects that are deleted from an Exchange site remain deleted even if the objects are restored through an online restore of a directory. This is because directory replication assures that deleted objects remain deleted. This article describes this behavior and how to work around it.

Keywords : XADM
Version : WINDOWS:4.0,5.0,5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: April 28, 1999
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