XADM: How to Change cc:Mail Proxy Address for New Mailboxes

ID: Q188680

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 5.0, 5.5


In the Exchange Administrator program, the default cc:Mail site addressing proxy address is Last, First @ Site. It is possible to change the order and syntax of the string.


To change the cc:Mail proxy generator, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program. Click Configuration, click Site Addressing, and click the Site Addressing tab.

  2. Select the cc:Mail proxy and click Edit.

  3. To change the Syntax to First, Last @ Site, type %g, %s in front of at Site, as shown below:
    %g, %s at Site
    Parameters that can be used are:
    %i for the Initial
    %g for the First name
    %s for the Last name
    %d for the Display name
    %m for the Alias

  4. Click OK twice. The following message appears:
    The Site Addressing of type(s) [CCMAIL] have been modified. Do you want to update all Recipient E-mail addresses to match the new site address(es)?

  5. Click Yes to update all Exchange mailboxes in the site, or click No to have the new settings affect only new mailboxes.

  6. If you click Yes, the following message appears, followed by an Event ID:
    A Process has been started to update the Recipient E-mail Addresses.
       Event ID: 2043
       Source:   MSExchangeSA
       Type:     Informational
       Category: General
       Starting the Bulk e-mail address process
       Event ID: 2044
       Source:   MSExchangeSA
       Type:     Informational
       Category: General
       Completed the Bulk e-mail address process. <n> recipients scanned,
       <n> successfully updated, <n> unsuccessfully updated. 

The following may be logged if the Exchange mailbox contains only a First name (Given Name) or Last name (Surname):

   Event ID: 2053
   Source:   MSExchangeSA
   Type:     Informational
   Category: General
   The e-mail address 'CCMAIL:USER at SITE' created during update process
   for display name 'User' (mailbox name 'USER') is not unique. The unique
   e-mail address 'CCMAIL:USER1 at SITE' was substituted. 

Additional query words: directory import bulk migration generation

Keywords : XADM
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: April 30, 1999
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