XADM: Remove Connectors Before Running Move Server Wizard

ID: Q196413

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5


The Move Server Wizard does not move connectors and gateways for delivering messages to foreign mail systems. All third-party gateways must be removed before running the wizard. Also, you must remove all connectors installed on the server, unless you are moving the last server in a site. When you are moving the last server in a site, the directory replication connector and any mail connector that supports the directory replication connector can still be installed when you run the wizard.

After the move, you will need to reconfigure connectors. If prompted, reinstall Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 1 to your server. For more information on how the wizard handles connectors, see the section "Connectors and Replication" in the Move Server Wizard Help file (Mvexsrvr.hlp).


NOTE: If you are moving a server from a multi-server site that has the Microsoft Mail Connector installed, remove the connector before installing it on another server in the original site. This will ensure that the Adminsch mailbox agent is installed on a server that is not moving.

If you have directory synchronization configured with a foreign mail system, see "Directory Synchronization Issues" in the Move Server Wizard Help file for tasks that you must perform before the move.

For more information on connectors and gateways, see the chapter for each connector or gateway in Microsoft Exchange Server Operations.

Keywords :
Version : WinNT:5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: April 20, 1999
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